.. index:: Usage (dhelp) .. _dhelp: =============== Usage (dhelp) =============== .. index:: scripts/_dotfileshelp.sh .. _scripts/_dotfileshelp.sh: scripts/_dotfileshelp.sh ========================= | Src: `scripts/_dotfileshelp.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### _dotfileshelp.sh -- grep for comments in readline, bash, zsh, i3, vim cfg dotfileshelp [-n] [-h] [-v -e -d] [ [ []]] may be zero or one of { all, readline, bash, zsh, i3, vim } -n/--number-lines -- print line numbers -h/--help -- print help -v/--verbose -- set -x (print commands and arguments) -e/--errexit -- set -e (exit if any command returns nonzero) -d/--debug -- set -x -v -e (see: ``help set``) --test -- run tests Usage examples: $ dotfileshelp -h $ dotfileshelp -v -h $ dhelp $ dh $ dh all $ dh all -n -v $ dh readline $ dh bash $ dh zsh $ dh i3 $ dh vim $ dh dotfiles ### dhelp bash functions: ## dhelp_shell() -- grep comments in a .sh file ## dhelp_help() -- grep shell comments in this file ($BASH_SOURCE) ## dhelp_dotfiles() -- grep comments in bootstrap_dotfiles.sh ## dhelp_inputrc() -- grep comments in a readline .inputrc ## dhelp_inputrc__dotfiles() -- grep comments in etc/.inputrc ## dhelp_bash() -- grep comments in a .sh file ## dhelp_bash__dotfiles() -- grep comments in etc/bash/*.sh ## dhelp_zsh() -- grep comments in a zsh .sh file ## dhelp_zsh__dotfiles() -- grep comments in etc/zsh/*.sh ## dhelp_i3() -- grep comments in an i3/config ## dhelp_i3__dotfiles() -- grep comments in etc/i3/config ## dhelp_vimrc() -- grep comments in a .vim / vimrc file ## dhelp_vimrc__dotfiles() -- grep comments in etc/vim/vimrc* ## dhelp_test() -- test dhelp (--test [--debug]) ## dhelp_test_each() -- test dhelp functions . .. index:: scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh .. _scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh: scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh ============================== | Src: `scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ## dotfiles_bootstrap -- a shell wrapper for cloning and installing ## Usage: bootstrap_dotfiles.sh # ## Actions # -I -- Install the dotfiles (implies -S) # -S -- Install dotfiles symlinks # -U -- Update and Upgrade the dotfiles (implies -S) # -R -- pip install -r requirements-all.txt # -G -- install Gitflow and hubflow # -C -- check for installed components # -h -- print this help message # ## Options # -u -- pip install --user (modified for other actions) # -d -- show debugging info (set -x) . .. code:: bash . ## westurner/dotfiles bootstrap_dotfiles.sh Install and upgrade dotfiles for the current user Can be run: * in a virtualenv (as current user) * for --user (as current user) * Clones into $VIRTUAL_ENV/src/dotfiles * Symlinks $VIRTUAL_ENV/src/dotfiles) to ${HOME}/-dotfiles * Symlinks from ~/-dotfiles/<...> into ${HOME} usage:: bash scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh -h set -e -- exit on error (any nonzero return) [ should be set -e ] set -v -- print source as run [dotfiles: debug-on(), debug-off()] set -x -- print commands [dotfiles: debug-on(), debug-off()] echo $- -- echo current shell set options [e.g. -e -v -x] ## date (file suffix for backup_and_symlink) ## Virtualenvwrapper [virtualenvwrapper.sh] ## Virtualenv + Venv [virtualenv, dotfiles.venv] __DOTFILES="${__DOTFILES_SYMLINK}"# ~/-dotfiles ## bootstrap_dotfiles.sh ## dotfiles repository -- https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles ## dotvim repository -- https://github.com/westurner/dotvim dotfiles_check_deps -- check for installed commands and functions git_status() -- show git rev, branches, remotes hg_status() -- show hg id, branches, paths show_status() -- show status for a (.hg or .git) repository clone_or_update() -- clone OR pull and update (git [or hg]) clone_dotfiles_repo() -- clone/up dotfiles_repo; create symlinks Create a $__DOTFILES symlink clone_dotvim_repo() -- clone dotvim to etc/vim install_virtualenvwrapper() -- pip install virtualenvwrapper OR: (manually) apt-get install python-virtualenvwrapper install_gitflow() -- install gitflow git workflow [git flow help] install_hubflow() -- Install hubflow git workflow [git hf help] get_md5sums() -- get md5sums for a path or directory __realpath() -- os.path.realpath (~ readlink -f --canonicalize) backup_and_symlink() -- Create symlink at $dest, pointing to $src Args: filename: basename of file dest: location of symlink src: where symlink will point BKUPID: file suffix ( *.bkp.* ) (date) if either src_md5 or dest_md5 are null ## /begin symlinks "${ipyprofile}/startup/20-venv_ipymagics.py" "${ipyprofile}/ipython_config.py" ## end /symlinks ## Create symlinks {{ full_name }} ## create a new virtualenv ## deactivate any current VIRTUAL_ENV in this $SHELL ## pip install --upgrade --editable and create symlinks ## pip install --user --editable and create symlinks Upgrade system pip ## Setup system dependencies dotfiles_install_bootstrap_pip Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper into ~/.local/bin/ ## clone and/or pull and update dotfiles and dotvim; then install dotfiles Clone the dotfiles repository Clone the dotvim repository Install dotfiles into ${HOME} Install dotfiles into ~/.local/ ## Install the dotfiles install and configure virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper create or activate $_VIRTUAL_ENV ## Clone and/or pull and update dotfiles and dotvim; then install dotfiles Symlink dotfiles into ${HOME} ## Install all pip requirements ## Upgrade setuptools with pip ## Upgrade system pip with pip (careful) ## Upgrade pip with pip (does not work) ## Install pip (and setuptools) ## Install setuptools ## Install virtualenv ## Install virtualenvwrapper ## source virtualenvwrapper[_lazy].sh from $PATH ## print usage information ## parse opts, set flags, and run commands while getopts "uISURGCdh" o; do dotfiles_bootstrap_parse_arg "${o}" done ## execute main if called as a script ## (e.g. not with `source`) . .. index:: etc/.inputrc .. _etc/.inputrc: etc/.inputrc ============= | Src: `etc/.inputrc `__ .. code:: . ### .inputrc -- readline configuration ## Bash readline quickstart https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Command-Line-Editing.html#Command-Line-Editing * https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Readline-Interaction.html * https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Readline-Init-File.html * https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Readline-vi-Mode.html#Readline-vi-Mode * https://github.com/whiteinge/dotfiles/blob/master/.inputrc help bind # list bindings bind -p bind -P | grep -v 'is not bound' # read bindings bind -f ~/.inputrc - do not bell on tab-completion - show visible bell (flash the screen) Adds punctuation as word delimiters set bind-tty-special-chars off Adds punctuation as word delimiters Completion Options Useful stuff for UTF-8 menu-complete-display-prefix on -k -- reset screen ## vi-mode Various terminals have vi-mode settings: - bash: set -o vi (default: set -o emacs) - ksh: set -o vi - zsh: bindkey -v - tcsh: bindkey -v ## left/right -- backward/forward one word left -- move backward one word left -- move backward one word right -- move forward one word right -- move forward one word ## up/down -- beginning/end of line up -- move to beginning of line up -- move to beginning of line down -- move to end of line down -- move to end of line ## vi-command keymap l -- clear screen k -- clear whole line a -- move to beginning of line (^) [ -- move to beginning of line (^) e -- move to end of line ($) ] -- move to end of line ($) -- history search backward (match current input) -- history search forward (match current input) w -- delete last word BS -- delete last word gx -- expand without executing 3 -- prefix with '# ' ## vi-insert keymap emulate a few options from "set -o emacs": l -- clear screen k -- clear whole line a -- move to beginning of line (^) [ -- move to beginning of line (^) e -- move to end of line ($) ] -- move to end of line ($) -- history search backward (match current input) -- history search forward (match current input) -- move to prev word "\C-\e[D": vi-prev-word -- move to next word "\C-\e[C": vi-next-word w -- delete last word BS -- delete last word gx -- glob expand without executing 3 -- prefix with '# ' see: bindkey -p . .. index:: etc/bash/00-bashrc.before.sh .. _etc/bash/00-bashrc.before.sh: etc/bash/00-bashrc.before.sh ============================= | Src: `etc/bash/00-bashrc.before.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ## 00-bashrc.before.sh -- bash dotfiles configuration root source ${__DOTFILES}/etc/bash/00-bashrc.before.sh -- dotfiles_reload() dotfiles_reload() -- (re)load the bash configuration $__DOTFILES (str): -- path to the dotfiles symlink (~/-dotfiles) ## 01-bashrc.lib.sh -- useful bash functions (paths) lspath() -- list every file along $PATH realpath() -- readlink -f (python os.path.realpath) walkpath() -- list every directory along ${1:-"."} ## 02-bashrc.platform.sh -- platform things detect_platform() -- set $__IS_MAC or $__IS_LINUX ## 03-bashrc.darwin.sh ## 04-bashrc.TERM.sh -- set $TERM and $CLICOLOR ## 05-bashrc.dotfiles.sh -- dotfiles $__DOTFILES (str): -- path to the dotfiles symlink (~/.dotfiles) dotfiles_status() -- print dotfiles variables ds() -- print dotfiles variables ## 06-bashrc.completion.sh -- configure bash completion ## virtualenvwrapper / virtualenv / venv constants $PROJECT_HOME (str): path to project directory (~/-wrk) $WORKON_HOME (str): path to virtualenvs directory (~/-wrk/-ve27) $VIRTUAL_ENV (str): path to current $VIRTUAL_ENV ($WORKON_HOME/$VENVSTR) ## 07-bashrc.python.sh -- python _setup_python() -- configure PYTHONSTARTUP _setup_pip() -- configure PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV _setup_pyenv() -- setup pyenv PYENV_ROOT and eval (manual) ## 08-bashrc.conda.sh -- conda _setup_conda() -- setup conda paths (manual) WORKON_HOME=CONDA_ENVS_PATH $1 (str): (optional) CONDA_ENVS_PATH (WORKON_HOME) $2 (str): (optional) CONDA_ROOT_PATH (or '27' or '34') $CONDA_ROOT (str): path to conda install (~/-wrk/-conda34) $CONDA_ENVS_PATH (str): path to condaenvs directory (~/-wrk/-ce34) [conda] ## 07-bashrc.virtualenvwrapper.sh -- virtualenvwrapper _setup_virtualenvwrapper -- configure virtualenvwrapper backup_virtualenv($VENVSTR) -- backup a venv in WORKON_HOME $WORKON_HOME/$VENVSTR -> ./-bkp/$VENVSTR backup_virtualenvs() -- backup all venvs in WORKON_HOME $WORKON_HOME/* -> ./-bkp/* rebuild_virtualenv($VENVSTR) -- rebuild $WORKON_HOME/$VENVSTR rebuild_virtualenvs() -- rebuild $WORKON_HOME/* TODO: restore_virtualenv($BACKUPVENVSTR, [$NEWVENVSTR]) ## 08-bashrc.gcloud.sh -- gcloud: Google Cloud SDK _setup_google_cloud() -- setup google cloud paths ## 10-bashrc.venv.sh -- venv: virtualenvwrapper extensions _setup_venv() $__PROJECTSRC (str): script to source (${PROJECT_HOME}/.projectsrc.sh) $VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME (str): basename of $VIRTUAL_ENV [usrlog: prompt, title] $_APP (str): $VIRTUAL_ENV/src/${_APP} we() -- workon a new venv $1: VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME [$WORKON_HOME/${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME}=>$VIRTUAL_ENV] $2: _APP (optional; defaults to $VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME) we dotfiles we dotfiles etc/bash; cdw; ds; # ls -altr; lll; cd ~; ew etc/bash/*.sh type workon_venv; command -v venv.py; venv.py --help ## 11-bashrc.venv.pyramid.sh -- venv-pyramid: pyramid-specific config ## 20-bashrc.editor.sh -- $EDITOR configuration $EDITOR (str): cmdstring to open $@ (file list) in editor $EDITOR_ (str): cmdstring to open $@ (file list) in current editor e() -- open paths in current EDITOR_ [scripts/e] ew() -- open paths relative to $_WRD in current EDITOR_ [scripts/ew] (~ cd $_WRD; $EDITOR_ ${@}) + tab completion ## 20-bashrc.vimpagers.sh -- $PAGER configuration $PAGER (str): cmdstring to run pager (less/vim) lessv() -- open in vim with less.vim VIMPAGER_SYNTAX="python" lessv lessg() -- open in a gvim with less.vim VIMPAGER_SYNTAX="python" lessv lesse() -- open with $EDITOR_ (~e) manv() -- open manpage with vim mang() -- open manpage with gvim mane() -- open manpage with $EDITOR_ (~e) TODO: GIT_PAGER="/usr/bin/less -R | /usr/bin/cat" ## 30-bashrc.usrlog.sh -- $_USRLOG configuration _setup_usrlog() -- configure usrlog $_USRLOG (str): path to a -usrlog.log command log __USRLOG=~/-usrlog.log _USRLOG=${VIRTUAL_ENV}/-usrlog.log lsusrlogs -- ls -tr "${__USRLOG}" "${WORKON_HOME}/*/-usrlog.log" stid -- set $TERM_ID to a random string (e.g. "#Yt0PyyKWPro") stid $name -- set $TERM_ID to string (e.g. \#20150704, "#20150704") note -- log a #note to $_USRLOG (histn==#note) todo -- log a #todo to $_USRLOG (histn==#todo) usrlogv -- open usrlog with vim: $VIMBIN $_USRLOG usrlogg -- open usrlog with gmvim: $GUIVIMBIN $_USRLOG usrloge -- open usrlog with editor: $EDITOR $_USRLOG ut -- tail -n__ $_USRLOG [ #BUG workaround: see venv.py] ug -- egrep current usrlog: egrep $@ $_USRLOG ugall -- egrep all usrlogs [ #BUG workaround: see venv.py ] egrep $@ "${__USRLOG}" "${WORKON_HOME}/*/-usrlog.log" ugrin -- grin current usrlog: grin $@ ${_USRLOG} ugrinall -- grin $@ "${__USRLOG}" "${WORKON_HOME}/*/-usrlog.log" ## 30-bashrc.xlck.sh -- screensaver, (auto) lock, suspend _setup_xlck() -- configure xlck ## 40-bashrc.aliases.sh -- aliases _setup_venv_aliases() -- source in e, ew, makew, ssv, hgw, gitw _setup_supervisord() -- configure _SVCFG $1 (str): path to a supervisord.conf file "${1:-${_SVCFG}" ## 42-bashrc.commands.sh -- example commands ## 50-bashrc.bashmarks.sh -- bashmarks: local bookmarks ## 70-bashrc.repos.sh -- repos: $__SRC repos, docs ## 99-bashrc.after.sh -- after: cleanup dr() -- dotfiles_reload ds() -- print dotfiles_status() . .. index:: etc/bash/01-bashrc.lib.sh .. _etc/bash/01-bashrc.lib.sh: etc/bash/01-bashrc.lib.sh ========================== | Src: `etc/bash/01-bashrc.lib.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.lib.sh ## bash echo_args -- echo $@ (for checking quoting) function_exists() -- check whether a bash function exists PATH_prepend() -- prepend a directory ($1) to $PATH instead of: export PATH=$dir:$PATH PATH_prepend $dir PATH_remove() -- remove a directory from $PATH note: empty path components ("::") will be stripped PATH_contains() -- test whether $PATH contains $1 lightpath() -- display $PATH with newlines lspath() -- list files in each directory in $PATH lspath_less() -- lspath with less (color) ## file paths realpath() -- print absolute path (os.path.realpath) to $1 note: OSX does not have readlink -f path() -- realpath() walkpath() -- walk down path $1 and $cmd each component $1: path (optional; default: pwd) $2: cmd (optional; default: 'ls -ald --color=auto') ensure_symlink() -- create or update a symlink to $2 from $1 if $2 exists, backup with suffix $3 ensure_mkdir() -- create directory $1 if it does not yet exist . .. index:: etc/bash/02-bashrc.platform.sh .. _etc/bash/02-bashrc.platform.sh: etc/bash/02-bashrc.platform.sh =============================== | Src: `etc/bash/02-bashrc.platform.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.platform.sh detect_platform() -- set $__IS_MAC or $__IS_LINUX according to $(uname) j() -- jobs f() -- fg %$1 b() -- bg %$1 killjob() -- kill %$1 . .. index:: etc/bash/03-bashrc.darwin.sh .. _etc/bash/03-bashrc.darwin.sh: etc/bash/03-bashrc.darwin.sh ============================= | Src: `etc/bash/03-bashrc.darwin.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.darwin.sh softwareupdate -- install OSX updates | Docs: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/softwareupdate.8.html softwareupdate -l # --list softwareupdate -i --all # --install --all softwareupdate -i -r # --install --recommended Mac Boot-time modifiers: (right after the chime) Option -- boot to boot disk selector menu C -- boot from CD/DVD Shift -- boot into Safe mode Command-V -- boot into verbose mode sudo nvram boot-args="-v" # always boot verbosely sudo nvram boot-args="" # boot normally sudo nvram -p # print current nvram settings if __IS_MAC: finder() -- open Finder.app finder-killall() -- close all Finder.app instances finder-restart() -- close all and start Finder.app finder-hide-hidden() -- hide .hidden files in Finder.app (and close all Finder windows) finder-show-hidden() -- show .hidden files in Finder.app (and close all Finder windows) . .. index:: etc/bash/04-bashrc.TERM.sh .. _etc/bash/04-bashrc.TERM.sh: etc/bash/04-bashrc.TERM.sh =========================== | Src: `etc/bash/04-bashrc.TERM.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.TERM.sh configure_TERM -- configure the $TERM variable (man terminfo) $1: (optional; autodetects if -z) configure_TERM_CLICOLOR -- configure $CLICOLOR and $CLICOLOR_256 CLICOLOR=1 configure_TERM when sourced . .. index:: etc/bash/05-bashrc.dotfiles.sh .. _etc/bash/05-bashrc.dotfiles.sh: etc/bash/05-bashrc.dotfiles.sh =============================== | Src: `etc/bash/05-bashrc.dotfiles.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.dotfiles.sh dotfiles_add_path() -- add ${__DOTFILES}/scripts to $PATH shell_escape_single() dotfiles_status() -- print dotfiles_status ds() -- print dotfiles_status source "${__DOTFILES}/scripts/cls" clr() -- clear scrollback cls() -- clear scrollback and print dotfiles_status() echo "## lspath" lspath | tee $OUTPUT https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/The-Shopt-Builtin.html#The-Shopt-Builtin debug-on() -- set -x -v debug-off() -- set +x +v Virtualenvwrapper numeric sequence * to make logs in /var/log/venv.nnn-stepname.log naturally ordered * 0xx : 'initialization' actions : [initialize] * 1xx : 'creation' actions : [pre|post]mk[virtualenv|project] * 2xx : 'vation' actions : [pre|post][activate|deactivate] * 8xx : 'managment' actions : [pre|post][cpvirtualenv|rmvirtualenv] * 868 : unknown * xx0 : 'pre' actions * xx9 : 'post' actions Source-ordered according to the virtualenvwrapper docs * https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.org/en/latest/scripts.html#scripts log_dotfiles_state() -- save current environment to logfiles $1 -- logkey (virtualenvwrapper step name) XXX: PRF dotfiles_initialize() -- virtualenvwrapper initialize dotfiles_premkvirtualenv -- virtualenvwrapper premkvirtualenv dotfiles_postmkvirtualenv -- virtualenvwrapper postmkvirtualenv NOTE: infer VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME from VIRTUAL_ENV dotfiles_preactivate() -- virtualenvwrapper preactivate dotfiles_postactivate() -- virtualenvwrapper postactivate dotfiles_predeactivate() -- virtualenvwrapper predeactivate dotfiles_postdeactivate() -- virtualenvwrapper postdeactivate ### usrlog.sh ## unset _MSG ## unset NOTE ## unset TODO . .. index:: etc/bash/06-bashrc.completion.sh .. _etc/bash/06-bashrc.completion.sh: etc/bash/06-bashrc.completion.sh ================================= | Src: `etc/bash/06-bashrc.completion.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.completion.sh _configure_bash_completion() -- configure bash completion note: `complete -p` lists completions . .. index:: etc/bash/07-bashrc.python.sh .. _etc/bash/07-bashrc.python.sh: etc/bash/07-bashrc.python.sh ============================= | Src: `etc/bash/07-bashrc.python.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.python.sh pypath() -- print python sys.path and site config _setup_python() -- configure $PYTHONSTARTUP _setup_pip() -- set $PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=false ## Pyenv _setup_pyvenv() -- set $PYENV_ROOT, PATH_prepend, and pyenv venvw . .. index:: etc/bash/07-bashrc.virtualenvwrapper.sh .. _etc/bash/07-bashrc.virtualenvwrapper.sh: etc/bash/07-bashrc.virtualenvwrapper.sh ======================================== | Src: `etc/bash/07-bashrc.virtualenvwrapper.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.virtualenvwrapper.sh Installing Virtualenvwrapper: apt: sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper pip: [sudo] pip install -U pip virtualenvwrapper ## Configure dotfiles/virtualenv root/prefix environment variables __WRK workspace root PROJECT_HOME virtualenvwrapper project directory (mkproject) WORKON_HOME virtualenvwrapper virtualenv prefix VIRTUAL_ENV=${WORKON_HOME}/${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME} _APP=${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME} #[/subpath] _SRC=${VIRTUAL_ENV}/${_APP} _WRD=${VIRTUAL_ENV}/${_APP} _setup_virtualenvwrapper_config() -- configure $VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_* elif "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin/python" ## use extra-venv python if [ -n "${__IS_MAC}" ]; then # for brew python lsvirtualenvs() -- list virtualenvs in $WORKON_HOME lsve() -- list virtualenvs in $WORKON_HOME backup_virtualenv() -- backup VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME $1 to [$2] backup_virtualenvs() -- backup all virtualenvs in $WORKON_HOME to [$1] dx() -- 'deactivate' rebuild_virtualenv() -- rebuild a virtualenv, leaving pkgs in place $1="$VENVSTR" $2="$VIRTUAL_ENV" TODO: adjust paths beyond the shebang rebuild_virtualenv() -- rebuild a virtualenv $1="$VENVSTR" $2="$VIRTUAL_ENV" rebuild_virtualenvs() -- rebuild all virtualenvs in $WORKON_HOME _setup_virtualenvwrapper_default_config # ~/.virtualenvs/ . .. index:: etc/bash/08-bashrc.conda.sh .. _etc/bash/08-bashrc.conda.sh: etc/bash/08-bashrc.conda.sh ============================ | Src: `etc/bash/08-bashrc.conda.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.conda.sh ## Conda / Anaconda see: 05-bashrc.dotfiles.sh # shell_escape_single() strtoescape=${1} output="$(echo "${strtoescape}" | sed "s,','\"'\"',g")" echo "'"${output}"'" _conda_status_core() -- echo CONDA_ROOT and CONDA_ENVS_PATH _conda_status_defaults() -- echo CONDA_ROOT__* and CONDA_ENVS_PATH_* _conda_status() -- echo CONDA_ROOT, CONDA_ENVS_PATH, and defaults _conda_status_defaults csc() -- echo CONDA_ROOT and CONDA_ENVS_PATH _setup_conda_defaults() -- configure CONDA_ENVS_PATH*, CONDA_ROOT* $1 (pathstr): prefix for CONDA_ENVS_PATHS and CONDA_ROOT (default: ${__WRK}) _setup_anaconda() -- set CONDA_ENVS_PATH, CONDA_ROO $1 (pathstr or {27, 34}) -- lookup($1, CONDA_ENVS_PATH, CONDA_ENVS__py27) $2 (pathstr or "") -- lookup($2, CONDA_ROOT, CONDA_ROOT__py27) Usage: _setup_conda # __py27 _setup_conda 27 # __py27 _setup_conda 34 # __py34 _setup_conda 35 # __py35 _setup_conda 36 # __py36 _setup_conda 37 # __py37 _setup_conda ~/envs # __py37 _setup_conda ~/envs/ /opt/conda # /opt/conda _setup_conda # conda_root _setup_conda_path() -- prepend CONDA_ROOT/bin to $PATH _unsetup_conda_path_all() -- remove CONDA_ROOT & defaults from $PATH deduplicate_lines() -- deduplicate lines w/ an associative array (~OrderedMap) echo_conda_envs_paths() -- print (CONDA_ENVS_PATH & defaults) lscondaenvs() -- list CONDA_ENVS_PATH/* (and _conda_status) _conda_status>2 find>1 lsce() -- list CONDA_ENVS_PATH/* (and _conda_status) _condaenvs() -- list conda envs for tab-completion workon_conda() -- workon a conda + venv project wec() -- workon a conda + venv project note: tab-completion only shows regular virtualenvs _mkvirtualenv_conda_usage() -- echo mkvirtualenv_conda usage information mkvirtualenv_conda() -- mkvirtualenv and conda create $1 (_conda_envname:str) -- envname string (eg "dotfiles") $2 (_conda_envs_path:str) -- path to create envname in default: CONDA_ENVS_PATH #(CONDA_ENVS_PATH=${_conda_envs_path} # conda create --mkdir -n ${_conda_envname} -y # "${_conda_python}" readline pip ${_conda_pkgs} ) if there is a function named 'dotfiles_postmkvirtualenv', then run 'dotfiles_postmkvirtualenv' rmvirtualenv_conda() -- rmvirtualenv conda mkvirtualenv_conda_if_available() -- mkvirtualenv_conda OR mkvirtualenv workon_conda_if_available() -- workon_conda OR we OR workon . .. index:: etc/bash/08-bashrc.gcloud.sh .. _etc/bash/08-bashrc.gcloud.sh: etc/bash/08-bashrc.gcloud.sh ============================= | Src: `etc/bash/08-bashrc.gcloud.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.gcloud.sh ## _get_GCLOUDSDK_PREFIX() -- get GCLOUDSDK_PREFIX $1 (str): default:~/google-cloud-sdk (GCLOUDSDK_PREFIX) ## _setup_GCLOUDSDK_PREFIX() -- configure gcloud $PATH and bash completions $1 (str): default:~/google-cloud-sdk (GCLOUDSDK_PREFIX) ## _setup_gcloudsdk() -- configure gcloud $PATH and bash completions $1 (str): default:~/google-cloud-sdk (GCLOUDSDK_PREFIX) ## _unsetup_gcloudsdk() -- unset GCLOUDSDK_PREFIX XXX: PATH_remove <...> ## _get_APPENGINESDK_PREFIX() -- get APPENGINESDK_PREFIX ## _setup_APPENGINESDK_PREFIX() -- configure gcloud $PATH and completion $1 (str): default:~/google-cloud-sdk (APPENGINESDK_PREFIX) ## _setup_appenginesdk() -- config GCLOUDSDK*, APPENGINESDK_PREFIX, PATH $1 (str): default: ~/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine default: /usr/local/google_appengine ${APPENGINESDK_PREFIX} ## _unsetup_appenginesdk() -- PATH_remove ${APPENGINESDK_PREFIX} . .. index:: etc/bash/10-bashrc.venv.sh .. _etc/bash/10-bashrc.venv.sh: etc/bash/10-bashrc.venv.sh =========================== | Src: `etc/bash/10-bashrc.venv.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.venv.sh note: most of these aliases and functions are overwritten by `we` ## Variables _setup_venv() -- configure __PROJECTSRC, PATH, __VENV, _setup_venv_SRC() __PROJECTSRC (str): path to local project settings script to source PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" (if not already there) __VENV -- path to local venv config script (executable) CdAlias functions and completions You must run this manually if you want a default src venv _setup_venv_SRC _setup_venv_SRC() -- configure __SRCVENV and __SRC global virtualenv __SRCVENV (str): global 'src' venv symlink (~/-wrk/src) (e.g. ln -s ~/-wrk/-ve27/src ~/-wrk/src) __SRC (str): global 'src' venv ./src directory path (~/-wrk/src/src) ($__SRC/git $__SRC/git) ## Functions venv $@ -- call $_VENV $@ venv -h -- print venv --help venv --print-bash -- print bash configuration venv --print-json -- print IPython configuration as JSON venvw $@ -- venv -E $@ (for the current environment) workon_venv() -- workon a virtualenv and load venv (TAB-completion) param $1: $VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME ("dotfiles") param $2: $_APP ("dotfiles") [default: $1) ${WORKON_HOME}/${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME} # == $VIRTUAL_ENV ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src # == $_SRC ${_SRC}/${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME} # == $_WRD examples: we dotfiles we dotfiles dotfiles we() -- workon_venv _setup_venv_aliases() -- load venv aliases note: these are overwritten by `we` [`source <(venv -b)`] makew -- make -C "${WRD}" ${@} [scripts/makew ] hgw -- hg -R ${_WRD} [scripts/hgw ] gitw -- git -C ${_WRD} [scripts/gitw ] serve-() -- ${_SERVE_} alias serve-='${_SERVE_}' shell-() -- ${_SHELL_} alias shell-='${_SHELL_}' test-() -- cd ${_WRD} && python setup.py test testr-() -- reset; cd ${_WRD} && python setup.py test _setup_venv_prompt() -- set PS1 with $WINDOW_TITLE, $VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME, and ${debian_chroot} "WINDOW_TITLE (venvprompt) [debian_chroot]" try: _APP, VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME, $(basename VIRTUAL_ENV) TODO: CONDA venv_ls() -- list virtualenv directories lsvenv() -- venv_ls() venv_mkdirs() -- create FSH paths in ${1} or ${VIRTUAL_ENV} . .. index:: etc/bash/11-bashrc.venv.pyramid.sh .. _etc/bash/11-bashrc.venv.pyramid.sh: etc/bash/11-bashrc.venv.pyramid.sh =================================== | Src: `etc/bash/11-bashrc.venv.pyramid.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.venv.pyramid.sh workon_pyramid_app() -- $VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME [$_APP] [open_terminals] . .. index:: etc/bash/20-bashrc.editor.sh .. _etc/bash/20-bashrc.editor.sh: etc/bash/20-bashrc.editor.sh ============================= | Src: `etc/bash/20-bashrc.editor.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.editor.sh setup_editor() -- configure ${EDITOR} VIMBIN (str): /usr/bin/vim GVIMBIN (str): /usr/bin/gvim MVIMBIN (str): /usr/local/bin/mvim GUIVIMBIN (str): $GVIMBIN || $MVIMBIN || "" EDITOR (str): $VIMBIN -f || $GUIVIMBIN -f EDITOR_ (str): $EDITOR || $GUIVIMBIN $VIMCONF --remote-tab-silent VIMCONF (str): --servername ${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME:-'EDITOR'} SUDO_EDITOR (str): $EDITOR _setup_pager() -- set PAGER='less' ggvim() -- ${EDITOR} $@ 2>&1 >/dev/null edits() -- open $@ in ${GUIVIMBIN} --servername $1 editcfg() -- ${EDITOR_} ${_CFG} [ --servername $VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME ] sudoe() -- EDITOR=${SUDO_EDITOR} sudo -e sudoe() -- EDITOR=${SUDO_EDITOR} sudo -e . .. index:: etc/bash/29-bashrc.vimpagers.sh .. _etc/bash/29-bashrc.vimpagers.sh: etc/bash/29-bashrc.vimpagers.sh ================================ | Src: `etc/bash/29-bashrc.vimpagers.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.vimpagers.sh _configure_lesspipe() -- (less | lessv) vimpager() -- call vimpager _PAGER=$(command -v vimpager) lessv() -- less with less.vim and vim (g:tinyvim=1) lessg() -- less with less.vim and gvim / mvim lesse() -- less with current venv's vim server manv() -- view manpages in vim mang() -- view manpages in gvim / mvim mane() -- open manpage with venv's vim server gitpager() -- export GIT_PAGER to $1 or GIT_PAGER_DEFAULT or nogitpager() -- export GIT_PAGER="" . .. index:: etc/bash/30-bashrc.usrlog.sh .. _etc/bash/30-bashrc.usrlog.sh: etc/bash/30-bashrc.usrlog.sh ============================= | Src: `etc/bash/30-bashrc.usrlog.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.usrlog.sh _USRLOG (str): path to .usrlog userspace shell command log stid() -- set $TERM_ID to a random string stid $name -- set $TERM_ID to string note() -- add a dated note to $_USRLOG [_usrlog_append] usrlogv() -- open usrlog with vim: $VIMBIN + $_USRLOG usrlogg() -- open usrlog with gmvim: $GUIVIMBIN + $_USRLOG usrloge() -- open usrlog with editor:$EDITOR + $_USRLOG ut() -- tail $_USRLOG ug() -- egrep current usrlog: egrep $@ $_USRLOG ugall() -- egrep $@ $__USRLOG ${WORKON_HOME}/*/.usrlog ugrin() -- grin current usrlog: grin $@ $_USRLOG ugrinall() -- grin $@ $__USRLOG ${WORKON_HOME}/*/.usrlog lsusrlogs() -- ls -tr $__USRLOG ${WORKON_HOME}/*/.usrlog _setup_usrlog() -- source ${__DOTFILES}/etc/usrlog.sh usrlogv() -- open $_USRLOG w/ $VIMBIN (and skip to end) usrlogg() -- open $_USRLOG w/ $GUIVIMBIN (and skip to end) usrloge() -- open $_USRLOG w/ $EDITOR_ [ --servername $VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME ] . .. index:: etc/bash/30-bashrc.xlck.sh .. _etc/bash/30-bashrc.xlck.sh: etc/bash/30-bashrc.xlck.sh =========================== | Src: `etc/bash/30-bashrc.xlck.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### 30-bashrc.xlck.sh ## xlck -- minimal X screensaver xlck xlck -I -- (I)nstall xlck (apt-get) xlck -U -- check stat(U)s (show xautolock processes on this $DISPLAY) xlck -S -- (S)tart xlck (start xautolock on this $DISPLAY) xlck -P -- sto(P) xlck (stop xautolock on this $DISPLAY) xlck -R -- (R)estart xlck xlck -M -- suspend to ra(M) (and lock) xlck -D -- suspend to (D)isk (and lock) xlck -L -- (L)ock xlck -X -- shutdown -h now xlck -h -- help xlck_status_all() -- pgrep 'xautolock|xlock|i3lock', ps ufw xlck_status_this_display() -- show status for this $DISPLAY _setup_xlck() -- source ${__DOTFILES}/etc/xlck.sh (if -z __IS_MAC) . .. index:: etc/bash/40-bashrc.aliases.sh .. _etc/bash/40-bashrc.aliases.sh: etc/bash/40-bashrc.aliases.sh ============================== | Src: `etc/bash/40-bashrc.aliases.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.aliases.sh _load_aliases() -- load aliases chmodr -- 'chmod -R' chownr -- 'chown -R' grep -- 'grep --color=auto' egrep -- 'egrep --color=auto' fgrep -- 'fgrep --color=auto' grindp -- 'grind --sys.path' grinp -- 'grin --sys-path' fumnt -- 'fusermount -u' ga -- 'git add' gac() -- 'git diff ${files}; git commit -m $1 ${files}' $1 (str): quoted commit message $2- (list): file paths gb -- 'git branch -v' gd -- 'git diff' gds -- 'git diff -p --stat' gc -- 'git commit' gco -- 'git checkout' gdc -- 'git diff --cached' gl -- 'git log --pretty=format:"%h : %an : %s" --topo-order --graph' gr -- 'git remote -v' gs -- 'git status' gsi -- 'git is; git diff; git diff --cached' gsiw -- 'git -C $_WRD gsi' gsl -- 'git stash list' gsn -- 'git stash save' gss -- 'git stash save' gitr -- 'git remote -v' hga -- 'hg add' hgac() -- 'hg add $@[1:]; hg commit $1' $1 (str): quoted commit message $2- (list): file paths hgl -- 'hg glog --pager=yes' hgs -- 'hg status' hgd -- 'hg diff' hgds -- 'hg diff --stat' hgdl -- 'hg diff --color=always | less -R' hgc -- 'hg commit' hgu -- 'hg update' hgq -- 'hg qseries' hgqd -- 'hg qdiff' hgqs -- 'hg qseries' hgqn -- 'hg qnew' hgr -- 'hg paths' __IS_MAC la -- 'ls -A -G' ll -- 'ls -alF -G' ls -- 'ls -G' lt -- 'ls -altr -G' lll -- 'ls -altr -G' else la -- 'ls -A --color=auto' ll -- 'ls -alF --color=auto' ls -- 'ls --color=auto' lt -- 'ls -altr --color=auto' lll -- 'ls -altr --color=auto' __IS_LINUX psx -- 'ps uxaw' psf -- 'ps uxawf' psxs -- 'ps uxawf --sort=tty,ppid,pid' psxh -- 'ps uxawf --sort=tty,ppid,pid | head' psh -- 'ps uxaw | head' psc -- 'ps uxaw --sort=-pcpu' psch -- 'ps uxaw --sort=-pcpu | head' psm -- 'ps uxaw --sort=-pmem' psmh -- 'ps uxaw --sort=-pmem | head' __IS_MAC psx -- 'ps uxaw' psf -- 'ps uxaw' # no -f psh -- 'ps uxaw | head' psc -- 'ps uxaw -c' psch -- 'ps uxaw -c | head' psm -- 'ps uxaw -m' psmh -- 'ps uxaw -m | head' pyg -- pygmentize [pip install --user pygments] catp -- pygmentize [pip install --user pygments] shtop -- 'sudo htop' [apt-get/yum install -y htop] t -- 'tail' tf -- 'tail -f' xclipc -- 'xclip -selection c' . .. index:: etc/bash/42-bashrc.commands.sh .. _etc/bash/42-bashrc.commands.sh: etc/bash/42-bashrc.commands.sh =============================== | Src: `etc/bash/42-bashrc.commands.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.commands.sh usage: bash -c 'source bashrc.commands.sh; funcname ' chown-me() -- chown -Rv user chown-me-mine() -- chown -Rv user:user && chmod -Rv go-rwx chown-sme() -- sudo chown -Rv user chown-sme-mine() -- sudo chown -Rv user:user && chmod -Rv go-rwx chmod-unumask() -- recursively add other+r (files) and other+rx (dirs) . .. index:: etc/bash/50-bashrc.bashmarks.sh .. _etc/bash/50-bashrc.bashmarks.sh: etc/bash/50-bashrc.bashmarks.sh ================================ | Src: `etc/bash/50-bashrc.bashmarks.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### bashrc.bashmarks.sh ## bashmarks l() -- list bashmarks s() -- save bashmarks as $1 g() -- goto bashmark $1 p() -- print bashmark $1 d() -- delete bashmark $1 lsbashmarks() -- list Bashmarks (e.g. for NERDTree) see also: ${__DOTFILES}/scripts/nerdtree_to_bashmarks.py . .. index:: etc/bash/70-bashrc.repos.sh .. _etc/bash/70-bashrc.repos.sh: etc/bash/70-bashrc.repos.sh ============================ | Src: `etc/bash/70-bashrc.repos.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### 70-bashrc.repos.sh git-commit() -- git commit ${2:} -m ${1}; git log -n1 gc() -- git-commit() -m ; log log -n1 git-add-commit() -- git add ${2:}; git commit ${2} -m ${1}; git log -n1 gac() -- git-add-commit $@ function msg { export _MSG="${@}" see: usrlog.sh } gitcmsg() -- gitc "${_MSG}" "${@}" gitcaddmsg() -- gitc "${_MSG}" "${@}" Use Cases * Original: a bunch of commands that i was running frequently before readthedocs (and hostthedocs) * local mirrors (manual, daily?) * no internet, outages * push -f * (~offline) Puppet/Salt source installs * bandwidth: testing a recipe that pulls a whole repositor(ies) * what's changed in 's source dependencies, since i looked last Justification * very real risks for all development projects * we just assume that GitHub etc. are immutable and forever Features (TODO) [see: pyrpo] * Hg * Git * Bzr * periodic backups / mirroring * gitweb / hgweb * mirror_and_backup * all changes since for * ideally: transparent proxy * +1: easiest * -1: pushing upstream Caveats * pasting / referencing links which are local paths * synchronization lag * duplication: $__SRC/hg/ AND $VIRTUAL_ENV/src/ setup_dotfiles_docs_venv -- create default 'docs' venv setup_dotfiles_src_venv -- create default 'src' venv __SRC_HG=${WORKON_HOME}/src/src/hg __SRC_GIT=${WORKON_HOME}/src/src/git Hg runs hg commands as user hg Git runs git commands as user git Hgclone will mirror to $__SRC_HG Gitclone will mirror to $__SRC_GIT __SRC_GIT_REMOTE_URI_PREFIX -- default git remote uri prefix __SRC_GIT_REMOTE_NAME -- name for git remote v __SRC_HG_REMOTE_URI_PREFIX -- default hg remote uri prefix __SRC_HG_REMOTE_NAME -- name for hg paths ## Create a new hosted repository with gitolite-admin $1 -- repo [user/]name (e.g. westurner/dotfiles) ## push a git repository to local git storage $1 -- repo [user/]name (e.g. westurner/dotfiles) $2 -- path of local repo (e.g. ~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/dotfiles) ## Create a new hosted repository with mercurial-ssh ## push a hg repository to local git storage $1 -- repo [user/]name (e.g. westurner/dotfiles) $2 -- path of local repo (e.g. ~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/dotfiles) fixperms ${path} . .. index:: etc/bash/99-bashrc.after.sh .. _etc/bash/99-bashrc.after.sh: etc/bash/99-bashrc.after.sh ============================ | Src: `etc/bash/99-bashrc.after.sh `__ .. code:: bash . . .. index:: etc/bash/_ewrd.sh .. _etc/bash/_ewrd.sh: etc/bash/_ewrd.sh ================== | Src: `etc/bash/_ewrd.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### _ewrd.sh -- convenient editor shortcuts # setup edit[*] and e[*] symlinks: $ ln -s ./_ewrd.sh _ewrd-setup.sh && ./_ewrd-setup.sh ## editdotfiles, edotfiles -- cd $__DOTFILES and run edit w/ each arg editdotfiles() -- cd $__DOTFILES and run edit w/ each arg edotfiles() -- cd $__DOTFILES and run edit w/ each arg ## editwrk, ewrk --- cd $__WRK and run edit w/ each arg editwrk() -- cd $__WRK and run edit w/ each arg ewrk() -- cd $__WRK and run edit w/ each arg ## editworkonhome, eworkonhome --- cd $WORKON_HOME and run edit w/ each arg editworkonhome() -- cd $WORKON_HOME and run edit w/ each arg eworkonhome() -- cd $WORKON_HOME and run edit w/ each arg ewh() -- cd $WORKON_HOME and run edit w/ each arg ## editvirtualenv, evirtualenv, ev --- cd $VIRTUAL_ENV and run edit w/ each arg editvirtualenv() -- cd $VIRTUAL_ENV and run edit w/ each arg evirtualenv() -- cd $VIRTUAL_ENV and run edit w/ each arg ev() -- cd $VIRTUAL_ENV and run edit w/ each arg ## editsrc, esrc, es --- cd $_SRC and run edit w/ each arg editsrc() -- cd $_SRC and run edit w/ each arg esrc() -- cd $_SRC and run edit w/ each arg es() -- cd $_SRC and run edit w/ each arg ## editwrd, ewrd, ew --- cd $_WRD and run edit w/ each arg editwrd() -- cd $_WRD and run edit w/ each arg ewrd() -- cd $_WRD and run edit w/ each arg ew() -- cd $_WRD and run edit w/ each arg ## editetc, eetc --- cd $_ETC and run edit w/ each arg editetc() -- cd $_ETC and run edit w/ each arg eetc() -- cd $_ETC and run edit w/ each arg ## editwww, ewww --- cd $_WWW and run edit w/ each arg editwww() -- cd $_WWW and run edit w/ each arg ewww() -- cd $_WWW and run edit w/ each arg pyline.py -r '^\s*#+\s+.*' 'rgx and l'; ## seeAlso ## * https://westurner.org/dotfiles/venv .. code:: bash type cdhelp; cdhelp less scripts/venv_cdaliases.sh venv.py --prefix=/ --print-bash-cdaliases . .. index:: etc/bash/usrlog.sh .. _etc/bash/usrlog.sh: etc/bash/usrlog.sh =================== | Src: `etc/bash/usrlog.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### usrlog.sh -- Shell CLI REPL command logs in userspace (per $VIRTUAL_ENV) Log shell commands with metadata as tab-separated lines to ${_USRLOG} with a shell identifier to differentiate between open windows, testing/screencast flows, etc By default, _TERM_ID will be set to a random string prefixed with '#' by the `stid()` bash function (`_usrlog_set__TERM_ID()`) * _TERM_ID can be set to any string; * _TERM_ID is displayed in the PS1 prompt * _TERM_ID is displayed in the window title * _TERM_ID is reset to __TERM_ID upon 'deactivate' (westurner/dotfiles//etc/bash/07-bashrc.virtualenvwrapper.sh: TODO: virtualenvwrapper, conda) Environment Variables: __USRLOG (str): default -usrlog.log file (~/-usrlog.log) _USRLOG (str): current -usrlog.log file to append REPL command strings to _TERM_ID (str): a terminal identifier with which command loglines will be appended (default: _usrlog_randstr) _usrlog_get_prefix() -- get a dirpath for the current usrlog (VIRTUAL_ENV or HOME) _usrlog_set__USRLOG() -- set $_USRLOG (and $__USRLOG) _usrlog_set_HISTFILE() -- configure shell history history -a -- append any un-flushed lines to $HISTFILE set/touch HISTFILE history -c && history -r $HISTFILE -- clear; reload $HISTFILE ZSH_VERSION _usrlog_set_HIST() -- set shell $HIST<...> variables see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1) note that HOSTNAME and USER come from the environ and MUST be evaluated at the time HISTTIMEFORMAT is set. ... or force ignoredups and ignorespace HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:ignorespace append current lines to history append to the history file, don't overwrite it https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/The-Shopt-Builtin.html#The-Shopt-Builtin replace newlines with semicolons enable autocd (if available) _usrlog_randstr -- Generate a random string $1: number of characters _usrlog_get__TERM_ID() -- echo the current _TERM_ID and $_USRLOG _usrlog_Set__TERM_ID -- set or randomize the $_TERM_ID key $1: _term_id value for _TERM_ID _usrlog_echo_title -- set window title (by echo'ing escape codes) else echo -ne "${USRLOG_WINDOW_TITLE}" _usrlog_set_title() -- set xterm title $1: _window_title (defaults to ${_TERM_ID}) _usrlog_setup() -- configure usrlog for the current shell setup bash setup zsh _usrlog_append() -- Write a line to $_USRLOG w/ an ISO8601 timestamp $1: text (command) to log note: _TERM_ID must not contain a tab character (tr '\t' ' ') note: _TERM_ID can be a URN, URL, URL, or simple \w+ str key example: 2014-11-15T06:42:00-0600 dotfiles 8311 ls (pwd -p)? this from HISTORY # _usrlog_append_oldstype -- Write a line to $_USRLOG # $1: text (command) to log # examples: # # qMZwZSGvJv8: 10/28/14 17:25.54 ::: 522 histgrep BUG # #ZbH08n8unY8 2014-11-11T12:27:22-0600 2238 ls printf "# %-11s: %s : %s" \ "$_TERM_ID" \ "$(date +'%D %R.%S')" \ "${1:-'\n'}" \ | tee -a $_USRLOG >&2 _usrlog_writecmd() -- write the most recent command to $_USRLOG ## usrlog parsing _usrlog_parse_newstyle -- Parse a -usrlog.log with pyline NOTE: handle when HISTTIMEFORMAT="" NOTE: this is approxmte (see: venv.py) _usrlog_parse_cmds -- Show histcmd or histstr from HISTTIMEFORMAT usrlog with pyline TODO: handle HISTTIMEFORMAT="" (" histn ") TODO: handle newlines (commands that start on the next line) (venv.py) NOTE: HISTTIMEFORMAT histn (OSX ) [ 8 ] NOTE: HISTTIMEFORMAT histn (Linux) [ 7 ] if [ "${usrlog}" != "-" ]; then usrlog="-f ${usrlog}" fi 'list(( (" ".join(w[10:]).rstrip() if len(w) > 10 else None) or (" ".join(w[9:]).rstrip() if len(w) > 9 else None) or (" ".join(w[8:]).rstrip() if len(w) > 8 else None) or (" ".join(w[7:]).rstrip() if len(w) > 7 else None) or (" ".join(w[3:]).rstrip() if len(w) > 3 else None) or " ".join(w).rstrip()) for w in [ line and line.startswith("#") and line.split("\t",9) or [line] ] )' usrlog.py -p${usrlog:-'-'}${usrlog:+"${usrlog}"} --cmd grep -n "usrlog_" "$_USRLOG" | pyline.py -r '^(?P\d+\:)?(?P#\s+)(?P<_words>.*)\t\$\$\t(?P.*)' 'l and rgx and (rgx.groups(), rgx.groupdict(), (rgx.groupdict().get("_words","") or "").split("\t"))' -O json ## usrlog.sh API ### usrlog _TERM_ID commands termid() -- echo $_TERM_ID set_term_id() -- set $_TERM_ID to a randomstr or $1 stid() -- set $_TERM_ID to a randomstr or $1 st() -- set $_TERM_ID to a randomstr or $1 ### usrlog tail commands ut() -- show recent commands uta() -- tail all usrlogs from lsusrlogs utap() -- tail all userlogs from lsusrlogs and parse ut() -- show recent commands usrlog_tail() -- tail -n20 $_USRLOG shift usrlogtf() -- tail -f -n20 $_USRLOG utf() -- tail -f -n20 $_USRLOG ### usrlog grep commands usrlog_grep() -- egrep -n $_USRLOG ug() -- egrep -n $_USRLOG Usage: ug 'pip' | ugp ug | ugp | grep -C 20 'pip' ug | usrlog.py - uga2() # usrlog_grep_session_id() -- egrep ".*\t${1:-$_TERM_ID}" (set -x; local _term_id=${1:-"${_TERM_ID}"}; local _usrlog=${2:-"${_USRLOG}"}; egrep "# [\d-T:Z ]+\t${_term_id}\t" ${_USRLOG} ) usrlog_grep_todos | _usrlog_parse_cmds usrlog_grep_todos | _usrlog_parse_cmds usrlog_grep_todos | _usrlog_parse_cmds pyline '(l.replace("#TODO: ", "- [ ] ", 1).replace("#NOTE:", "- ", 1) if l.startswith("#TODO: ", "#NOTE: ") else l)' usrlog_grin() -- grin -s $@ $_USRLOG ugrin() -- grin -s $@ $_USRLOG usrlog_grin_session_id() -- egrep ".*\t${1:-$_TERM_ID}" usrlog_grin_session_id() -- egrep ".*\t${1:-$_TERM_ID}" usrlog_grin_session_id_all() -- grep $2:-$_USRLOG for $1:-$_TERM_ID in column position :returns: unsorted list of log entries in files listed by mtime and then cat .. warning:: output lines are in file sequence but otherwise unsorted ugrins() -- grep $2:-$_USRLOG for $1:-$_TERM_ID in column position usrlog_grin_session_id_all_cmds() -- grep $2:-$_USRLOG for $1:-$_TERM_ID in column position deduplicate_lines() -- deduplicate lines w/ an associative array (~OrderedMap) USRLOG_INCLUDE_LEGACYLOGS USRLOG_INCLUDE_ALLUSRLOGS lsusrlogs_date_desc() -- ls $__USRLOG ${WORKON_HOME}/*/.usrlog (oldest first) lsusrlogs_date_desc() -- ls $__USRLOG ${WORKON_HOME}/*/.usrlog (newest first) lsusrlogs() -- list usrlogs (oldest first) usrlog_lately() -- lsusrlogs by mtime ull() -- usrlog_lately() (lsusrlogs by mtime) usrlog_grep_all() -- grep $(lsusrlogs) (drop filenames with -h) cat $(lsusrlogs) # dangerous and wrong cat "$(lsusrlogs)" # wrong ugall() -- grep $(lsusrlogs) (drop filenames with -h) uga() -- grep $(lsusrlogs) (drop filenames with -h) usrlog_grin_all() -- grin usrlogs usrlog_grin_all() -- grin usrlogs todo() -- _usrlog_append a #TODO and set _TODO ('-' unsets, '' prints) see: usrlog_grep_todos_parse (ugt, ugtp) note() -- _usrlog_append a #NOTE and set _NOTE ('-' unsets, '' prints) msg() -- _usrlog_append a #_MSG and set __MSG ('-' unsets, '' prints) usrlog_screenrec_ffmpeg() -- record a screencast $1: destination directory (use /tmp if possible) $2: video name to append to datestamp - Press "q" to stop recording usrlogw() -- usrlog.py -p ${_USRLOG} ${@} _setup_usrlog() -- call _usrlog_setup $@ ## calls _usrlog_setup when sourced . .. index:: etc/bash/xlck.sh .. _etc/bash/xlck.sh: etc/bash/xlck.sh ================= | Src: `etc/bash/xlck.sh `__ .. code:: bash . ### xlck.sh -- script wrapper for xautolock, xlock, and/or i3lock ## as well as issuing suspend, shutdown, and restart commands xlck() -- xlck $@ _xlck_install() -- install xlck dependencies xlck requires: bash, pgrep, ps, kill, xautolock, xlock, i3lock, xset _xlck_setup_dpms() -- configure display with xset and dpms _xlck_setup() -- setup xlck (export _XLCK=(this) && _xlck_setup_dpms) _xlck_xlck() -- start xlock (white on black w/ a 3 second delay) _xlck_i3lock() -- start i3lock with a dark gray background xlck_gnome_screensaver_status() -- gnome-screensaver PIDs on $DISPLAY xlck_gnome_screensaver_start() -- start gnome-screensaver xlck_gnome_screensaver_lock() -- lock gnome-screensaver xlock_lock() -- lock the current display $1 {i3lock|i3, xlock|x, gnome-screensaver|gnome|g} note: this will be run before suspend to RAM and Disk. _suspend_to_ram() -- echo mem > /sys/power/state _suspend_to_disk() -- echo disk > /sys/power/state note: this does not work on many machines _dbus_halt() -- send a dbus stop msg to ConsoleKit _dbus_reboot() -- send a dbus reboot msg to ConsoleKit _dbus_suspend() -- send a dbus suspend msg to ConsoleKit _dbus_hibernate() -- send a dbus hibernate msg to ConsoleKit xlck_lock_suspend_ram() -- lock and suspend to RAM xlck_lock_suspend_disk() -- lock and suspend to disk xlck_suspend_ram() -- lock and suspend to RAM xlck_suspend_disk() -- lock and suspend to disk xlck_start() -- start xlck xlck_stop() -- stop xlck xlck_restart() -- stop and start xlck xlck_pgrep_display()-- find xautolock on this display xlck_xautolock_pgrep_display()-- find xautolock on this display xlck_xautolock_status() -- show xlck status xlck_autolock_stop() -- stop autolock on the current $DISPLAY xlck_status() -- xlck_xautolock_status xlck_status_all() -- pgrep 'xautolock|xlock|i3lock', ps ufw xlck_status_this_display() -- show status for this $DISPLAY _xlck_xautolock() -- start xautolock (see: xlck_start) return nonzero if no args . .. index:: etc/zsh/00-zshrc.before.sh .. _etc/zsh/00-zshrc.before.sh: etc/zsh/00-zshrc.before.sh =========================== | Src: `etc/zsh/00-zshrc.before.sh `__ .. code:: bash . __DOTFILES -- local dotfiles repository clone ## lib: zsh functions ## bash: read bash config with bash_source function ## after: dr() -- dotfiles_zsh_reload $@ . .. index:: etc/zsh/01-zshrc.lib.sh .. _etc/zsh/01-zshrc.lib.sh: etc/zsh/01-zshrc.lib.sh ======================== | Src: `etc/zsh/01-zshrc.lib.sh `__ .. code:: bash . list all path key components leading to file . .. index:: etc/zsh/05-zshrc.bashrc.sh .. _etc/zsh/05-zshrc.bashrc.sh: etc/zsh/05-zshrc.bashrc.sh =========================== | Src: `etc/zsh/05-zshrc.bashrc.sh `__ .. code:: bash . requires: bash_source function $__DOTFILES . .. index:: etc/zsh/99-zshrc.after.sh .. _etc/zsh/99-zshrc.after.sh: etc/zsh/99-zshrc.after.sh ========================== | Src: `etc/zsh/99-zshrc.after.sh `__ .. code:: bash . 99-zsh.after.sh . .. index:: etc/i3/config .. _etc/i3/config: etc/i3/config ============== | Src: `etc/i3/config `__ .. code:: bash . #### i3 config file (v4) # Default location: ~/.i3/config # List commented command shortcuts with:: # cat ~/.i3/config | egrep '(^(\s+)?##+ |^(\s+)?# )' #!/bin/sh ### .i3/config requirements ## Ubuntu (12.04) # MUST apt-get install i3 i3status xautolock xlockmore i3lock hg clone https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles # etc/xlck.sh # SHOULD apt-get install gnome-terminal network-manager-gnome thunar pulseaudio-utils apt-get install feh # wallpaper apt-get install xfce4-screenshooter # screenshots mkdir -p ~/pictures/screens # screenshots apt-get install xbacklight # brightness # COULD apt-get install vim-gnome # scratchpad add-apt-repository ppa:kilian/f.lux # f.lux apt-get update # f.lux apt-get install fluxgui # http://justgetflux.com ## References * http://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html * https://faq.i3wm.org/question/1425/variable-substitution/ * i3-config-wizard ## Notes * grab keyboard mappings: xev | grep keycode ### Configure I3 ## To swap layouts: (make swap-layout) sed 's///g' && sed 's///g' && sed 's///g' ## Set i3 keyboard modifier keys to variables $mod1 and $mod2 (for keyboard layout flexibility) ## PC Keyboard (default) ## PC: $mod1 == PC: $mod2 == ## Alternate (e.g. Mac Keyboard ) ## Mac: $mod1 == Mac: $mod2 == font for window titles. ISO 10646 = Unicode Pango requires i3 version >= ____ reload the configuration file c -- reload i3 configuration restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3) r -- restart i3 (session preserving) exit i3 (logs you out of your X session) l -- exit i3 (close all and logout of X session) q -- close focused window # Hide edge borders ### Launch programs ## Set Variables Open default tabs Open a blank tab/window with the default browser Open a browser tab/window to gmail#all with the default browser # Get WM_CLASS with $(xprop WM_CLASS) ## Autoruns - Start gnome-settings-daemon (e.g. for anti-aliasing) $PATH/gnome-settings-daemon -- Ubuntu, Debian /usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon -- Fedora - Start screensaver - Set X background - Set X wallaper to (~/wallpaper.png) - Launch network applet (optional) see also: nmcli ## Lock, shutdown and suspend l -- lock screen -- exit -- suspend ## Change backlight brightness -- brightness up -- brightness down ## Change volume -- volume up -- volume down ## Launch Applications x -- run command r -- run command e -- launch browser g -- launch editor b -- launch browser t -- launch terminal t -- launch terminal -- launch terminal -- launch terminal XF86Calculator -- launch calculator w -- launch network manager applet (see also: $(nmcli)) -- screenshot (full screen) -- screenshot (current window) 3 -- screenshot (full screen) 4 -- screenshot (current window) ## Focus to nearest instance v -- focus nearest: editor t -- focus nearest: terminal b -- focus nearest: browser ## Start, stop, and reset xflux [ -- start xflux ] -- stop xflux ] -- reset gamma to 1.0 [ -- xgamma -bgamma 0.6 -ggamma 0.9 -rgamma 0.9 \ -- xgamma -bgamma -0.4 -ggamma 0.4 -rgamma 0.9 ## Change focus between tiling / floating windows -- toggle focus mode: tiling / floating ## Floating windows -- toggle tiling/floating mode for focused window -- toggle tiling/floating mode for focused window -- drag floating window to position ## Fullscreen mode # Note: popups will be hidden below fullscreened windows f -- fullscreen # popup during fullscreen exits fullscreen ## Split windows Split next window h -- split [next] window horizontally v -- split [next] window vertically ## Toggle window layouts w -- tabbed window layout e -- Default window layout s -- stacked window layout ## Focus parent/child windows a -- focus parent container a -- focus child container ## Switch to window / container Up -- focus up Down -- focus down Left -- focus left Right -- focus right ## Switch to window / container (Vi) h -- focus left j -- focus down k -- focus up l -- focus right ## Switch to previous / next workspace with minus / equal - (minus) -- switch to previous workspace = (equal) -- switch to next workspace Toggle between previous and current workspace ## Switch to workspace 0-9 -- switch to workspace N (repeat to return) 0-9 -- switch to workspace N (repeat to return) -- switch to workspace N (repeat to return) -- switch to workspace N (repeat to return) ## Move to next/previous workspace Left -- move to previous workspace Right -- move to next workspace Up -- move to second most recently focused workspace ## Move focused container to next/previous workspace Left -- move container to previous workspace Right -- move container to next workspace Up -- move container to second most recently focused workspace ## Move focused container within workspace Up -- move window up Down -- move window down Left -- move window left Right -- move window right ## Move focused container within workspace (Vi) h -- move window left j -- move window down k -- move window up l -- move window right ## Move focused container to workspace [N: 0-9] -- move to workspace N ## Move focused container to workspaces (with number pad) [KP_N: 0-9] -- move to workspace N ## Move focused container to workspaces (with number pad) [KP_N: 0-9] -- move to workspace N ## Move workspace to output (e.g. with multiple monitors) Left -- move workspace to left Right -- move workspace to right ## Scratchpad workspace -- make the currently focused window a scratchpad -- show/hide and cycle through scratchpad windows s -- start scratchpad editor -- start scratchpad editor -- show the $scratchpad_editor_selector -- toggle tiling/floating mode for focused window see above. # on (re)load, move $scratchpad_editor_selector windows to scratchpad ## Resize Mode r -- enter resize mode ## Grow and shrink windows These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode They resize the border in the direction you pressed, e.g. when pressing left, the window is resized so that it has more space on its left same bindings, but for the arrow keys Left -- grow left Left -- shrink left Down -- grow down Down -- shrink down Up -- grow up Up -- shrink up Right -- grow right Right -- shrink right ## Grow and shrink windows (Vi) h -- grow left h -- shrink left j -- grow down j -- shrink down k -- grow up k -- shrink up l -- grow right l -- shrink right back to normal: Enter or Escape -- exit resize mode -- exit resize mode ## Set colors color defines for zenburn styled i3 derived from: https://faq.i3wm.org/question/2071/how-can-i-change-look-of-windows/?answer=2075 set some nice colors border background text ## i3bar # display i3bar with i3status $ xrandr-tool outputs . .. index:: etc/vim/vimrc .. _etc/vim/vimrc: etc/vim/vimrc ============== | Src: `etc/vim/vimrc `__ .. code:: vim . .vimrc ========== :: git clone https://github.com/westurner/dotvim git clone ssh://git@github.com/westurner/dotvim make help Vim Reference --------------- =============== == ========================== ========== Command/Keyseq -- description [helptag] =============== == ========================== ========= C- == + -- (so, 'C-o' means ```` and the ``o`` key) :[cmd] -- (type ':' (w/o the quotes), type an [optional] command (w/o brackets), and then press ) :Dotvimhelp -- list commented mappings :ListMappings -- list commented mappings :Dr :DotvimReload -- reload vim configuration (on top of existing config) (may require a maximize/unmaximize to re-fill the window after reload) :PatchColors -- patch e.g. :Gvdiff colors to a dark theme :help -- open vim help [help] :help help -- open vim help for vim help [help] :help -- open vim help for a tag [] tag: 'Q_bu', 'Q_wi' [quickref, Q_bu, Q_wi] tag: */plugin/doc/.txt :help vimtutor -- open vim vimtutor tutorial [ vimtutor ] :help quickref -- open vim quick reference [quickref, Q_bu] : : -- search backward / forward through vim command history / / -- search backward / forward through vim search history C-] -- follow a tag (e.g. in a help document, ) [[ -- go up a section [ [[ ] :help quickref ; /Q_bu ; C-] ; [[ :help Q_bu ; 2j ; C-] ; [[ C-o -- goto jumplist previous position [ctrl-O, jumplist] C-i -- goto jumplist next position [ctrl-i, jumplist] `` -- goto previous position [``, restore-position] C-s -- save C-q -- quit but prompt to save first :q -- quit but prompt to save first [q] :q! -- quit without saving [q] :qa! -- quit all without saving [qa] :wq -- write and quit now [wq, :SaveSession] q: -- show command line (C-c C-c) [q:] % -- variable: current filename [%] %:p -- variable: current filepath ~=" abspath(expanduser())[%:p] % -- motion: find the next instance of selected word [%] :pwd -- print the working directory path for the window (if :lcd has been used) OR for all windows :cd -- change the working directory for all windows :lcd -- change the working directory for the current window :Cdhere -- :cd %:p:h ~= $ cd "$(dirname "$current_file")" :LCdhere -- :lcd %:p:h ~= $ lcd "$(dirname "$current_file")" echo "venv.vim" :Cdhelp -- print configured vim Cdaliases :Cdwrd :Cdw -- :cd $_WRD :Cdsrc :Cds -- :cd $_SRC :Cdvirtualenv -- :cd $VIRTUAL_ENV :Cdwrk -- :cd $__WRK :[L]Cdhome :[L]Cdh -- :cd $HOME :Lcdwrd :LCdw -- :lcd $_WRD :buffers -- list vim buffers [Q_bu] :b3 :buffer 3 -- go to vim buffer 3 [:b :buffer] echo $VIMRUNTIME -- /{colors,syntax,macros} [$VIMRUNTIME] :set [all] -- list all nondefault options [set, redir, SaveSession] :map -- list actual mappings [Q_km] :scriptnames -- list scripts and plugins [scriptnames] e[dit] -- reload the current file e -- open path [edit, Q_ed] e -- open path with tab-completion [wildmenu, wildmode] :tabnew -- open path in a new tab :tabprev -- go to previous tab :tabnext -- go to next tab C-PageUp -- go to previous tab C-PageDown -- go to next tab :read path -- insert from path after cursor :read !cmd -- insert 'cmd' output after cursor :%! [cmd] -- buffer > stdin > [cmd] > stdout => buffer.replace :put % -- put % (current filename) after the cursor [help put] v hjkl -- visual selection mode (ldur) C-v hjkl -- visual selection whole lines gv -- re-select the previous visual seelction h, j, k, l -- left, down, up, right [Q_lr, Q_ud] C-E -- move N lines downwards (1) C-D -- move N lines Downwards (1/2 move) C-F -- move N pages Forwards (downwards) C-Y -- move N lines upwards (default: 1) C-U -- move N lines Upwards (default: 1/2 move) C-B -- move N pages Backwards (upwards) [n]G -- goto line # g -- whereami u -- undo ^r -- redo Modes -- type 'i' for insert [i I a A v c-v i -- insert mode I -- insert mode at beginning of line a -- append mode A -- append mode at end of line o -- begin a new line below current and insert O -- begin a new line above current and insert r -- replace character mode (1 char; return to prev mode) R -- replace within line mode v -- visual mode c-v -- visual block mode -- command mode (escape to command mode) ;; -- command mode (escape to command mode) q: -- command line window mode [cmd] -- to execute command c-c -- to close command line window Vim Marks m[a-z]{1} -- set mark `[a-z]{1} -- goto mark '[a-z]{1} -- goto mark Macros q[a-z]{1} -- start recording q -- stop recording @[a-z]{1} -- replay macro @@ -- repeat macro q2q;@2 -- record macro to 2 and repeat Searching / -- search for term * -- search for term under cursor next n -- next search ocurrence # -- search for term under cursor previous N -- previous search ocurrence :[l][vim]grep :cl :ll -- list list :copen :lopen -- open list :cw :lw -- toggle show list :ccl[ose] :lcl -- close list :cn :ln -- next :cp :lp -- prev :cc! :lc [nr] -- jump to [nr] :cfir :cla -- first, last Yanking and Pasting y[a-z] -- yank to buffer [a-z] p[a-z] -- paste from buffer [a-z] ]p -- paste to level Indenting/Shifting Blocks [n]< -- shift block left [n]> -- shift block right Folding :help Fold -- also usr_28 :set nofen -- stop folding zf -- create fold zo -- fold open zO -- fold open recursive zc -- fold close zC -- fold close recursive zx -- undo manual fold actions zX -- undo manual fold actions and recompute zM -- fold close all but current (focus) zR -- fold open all (review) :Voom [format] -- open VOom outline sidebar t -- :TagBarToggle " outline sidebar Etiquette i -- toggle unprintables sd -- toggle highlight EOL whitespace sc -- clear highlighting ## ## g:__sfile__dirname -- directory containing this vimrc script after symlinks ~dirname(abspath(realpath(__file__))) ## Source_dotvim(filename) -- source dirname(this_vimrc)/filename echo l:vimrcfilename . " empty or not found." ## ## source vimrc.local.01-env.vimrc ## set window title to vim title (display full path) :ListMappings -- list .vimrc(.*) comments (n(next) and p(rev)) :DotvimHelp -- " :Help -- " :DotvimReload -- reload ~/.vimrc :Reload -- reload ~/.vimrc :Dr -- reload ~/.vimrc seeAlso: :SaveSession, :RestoreSession (*) [help SaveSession] :Path() -- echo path information %s %:h %:p:h [help expand] :Cdhere() -- cd to here (this dir, dirname(__file__)) [cd %:p:h] :Lcdhere() -- cd to here (this dir, dirname(__file__)) [lcd %:p:h] \ -- , -- == ;; -- == double semicolon :; -- == colon semicolon Compatibility These don't work sometimes due to shell and terminal shortcuts: Ctrl-c -- kill process Ctrl-d -- send EOL to process (vim: PageDown) Ctrl-z -- send process to background -- Select All (ggVG) -- Copy to system clipboard ("+y) TODO Quicklist q -- toggle quicklist [:cw/:cwindow] n -- next quicklist item [:cn/:cnext] Location List l -- toggle location list [:lw/:lwindow] N -- next location list item [:ln/:lnext] Workaround vim lp:#572863 Code Folding UTF-8 TODO XXX Code Indenting Indent wrapped lines a bit [breakindent showbreak] set showbreak=.. Wrap in the middle of lines Searching set colorcolumn=0 -- clear color column Turn Off Visual Bell WildMenu Spell Checking sp -- toggle spellcheck shift- -- insert new line w/o changing mode no error bells Jump to last position remove trailing whitespace filetype extensions if &previewwindow exec 'setlocal winheight='.&previewheight endif Auto completion CTRL- -- autocomplete menu CTRL- -- autocomplete menu close vim if the only window left open is a NERDTree Open NERDTree automatically if no files were specified Drag and Drop :help drag-n-drop shift- -- cd to file's directory ctrl- -- split new window for file -- open file or paste path at cursor Fonts :Font -- print the font and size (echo &guifont) g:fontsize=10 -- set the default font size :PatchFont -- set the font (s:fontsize, s:fonts, guifont (set gfn=)) tries each font in s:fonts until one is found Adjust font-size -- increase font size -- decrease font size GUI Menubar :HideMenubar -- hide GUI menubar :ShowMenubar -- show GUI menubar :Set256 -- set 256 colors (for console vim) :Set88 -- set 88 colors (for console vim) GUI Remove gui scrollbars ctrl-z -- undo [u] alt-z -- undo ctrl-r -- redo alt-r -- redo ctrl-X -- cut alt-x -- cut ctrl-c -- copy alt-c -- copy always call Set256. if this causes problems with older terminals :Set88 autocmd! Syntax * syn match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/ sd -- match EOL whitespace sc -- clear search highlighting ctrl-q -- close i -- toggle show invisibles ,cd -- :cd %:p:h T -- wrap paragram Keep search matches in the middle of the window. [ -- toggle cursorline and cursorcolumn hm -- set horizontal line mark hv -- set vertical column mark c -- clear virt marks Tab -- Indent Line map >gb Shift-Tab -- Dedent Line ctrl-t -- Indent Current Line ctrl-d -- Dedent Current Line > -- Visual Indent Block < -- visual dedent block Alternative using Tab/Shift-Tab (for gvim). tab -- shift right Shift-tab -- shift left vnoremap >gv ctrl-f -- find ctrl-alt-A -- copy all ctrl-v -- paste (*) conflict: vim blockwise visual selection [CTRL-v] map "+gP imap "+gP vmap "+gP alt-v -- paste (*) nm \\paste\\ "=@*.'xy'gPFx"_2x:echo imap x\\paste\\"_s vmap "-cx\\paste\\"_x Paste shift-insert -- paste (*) conflict: mac keyboards do not have Save / Close ctrl-S -- Save ctrl-Alt-W -- Close ctrl-Home -- Goto line one conflict: mac keyboards do not have ctrl-End -- Goto last line (lines[:-1]) conflict: mac keyboards do not have Page Up / Page Down shift-Down -- PageDown () shift-Up -- PageUp () K -- PageUp nnoremap K J -- PageDown nnoremap J Keyboard PageUp/PageDown are actually 2* conflict: mac keyboards do not have Buffer Nav ctrl-a -- move to beginning of line (^) ctrl-e -- move to end of line ($) Window Nav (window-move-cursor) ctrl-j -- cursor window down ctrl-u -- cursor window down ctrl-k -- cursor window up ctrl-l -- cursor window right ctrl-h -- cursor window left Window Resize [window-resize] ctrl-w _ -- maximize window height ctrw-w 1_ -- minimize window height ctrl-w | -- maximize window width ctrl-w 1| -- minimize window width ctrl-w = -- equalize window sizes [n]ctrl-w > -- expand width [n]ctrl-w < -- contract width [n]ctrl-w + -- increase height [n]ctrl-w - -- reduce height ctrl-w o -- minimze all other windows Window Movement [window-move] Window Up wk -- move window up ctrl-wi -- move window up wi -- move window up Window Right wl -- move window right Window Down wj -- move window down ctrl-wu -- move window down wu -- move window down Window Left wj -- move window left Window Rotate ctrl-w R -- rotate window up ctrl-w r -- rotate window down Tab Movement [tab-page-commands] ctrl-Alt-h -- previous tab Alt-u -- previous tab ctrl-Alt-l -- next tab Alt-i -- next tab Man.vim -- view manpages in vim :Man man -- view manpage for 'man' o -- Open uri under cursor :Ack a -- Ack Grin -- Find in Python Ctags ctrl-[ -- go to tag under cursor ctrl-T -- go back #TODO sh: ctags -R -f ~/.vim/tags/python-$PYVER.ctags $PYLIBDIR Use :make to see syntax errors. (:cn and :cp to move around, :dist to see all errors) Colors :PatchColors -- load local colorizing postsets call PatchColors() -- call PatchColors when sourced Vim2VimWrite() -- write highlight codes to ./vim_highlight_output.txt pip install vim2vim -- https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vim2vim List highlight colors Python Wrap at 72 chars for comments. read virtualenv's site-packages to vim path Vim and Python !python -c "__import__('pprint').pprint(sorted(locals().items()))" :python __import__('pprint').pprint(sorted(vim.__dict__.items())) :py __import__('pprint').pprint(sorted(vim.__dict__.items())) if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in env: project_base_dir = env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] sys.path.insert(0, project_base_dir) activate_this = os.path.join(project_base_dir, 'bin/activate_this.py') execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)) for p in sys.path: if os.path.isdir(p): vim.command(r"set path+=%s" % (p.replace(" ", r"\ "))) # TODO: merge paths TODO: python regex current buffer function! Pyline(...) range :Pyline -- python regex current buffer endfunction # Pyline, !pyline - these read from stdin if nothing is selected: Press Ctrl-D to send EOF (twice?) !python -c "from __future__ import print_function; import sys; [print((i,l)) for (i,l) in enumerate(sys.stdin.readlines())]" !pyline 'str((i, l))' Pyline str((i,l)) Tabsetting functions :Fourtabs -- set to four (4) soft tabs (Default) Default to fourtabs :Threetabs -- set to three (3) soft tabs :Twotabs -- set to two (2) soft tabs :Onetab -- set to one (1) soft tab :new -- create a new horizontal split :vnew -- create a new vertical split :Tabnew -- call :tabnew :New -- call :tabnew :Tn -- call :tabnew :Hardtabs -- set to hard \t tabs (e.g. for Makefiles) :CurrentBuffer -- display number of current buffer diff -- vimdiff, Hgvdiff, Gdiff :diffget -- get from diff (overwrite or append) do -- :diffget other block :diffput -- put from diff (overwrite or append) dp -- :diffput block -- cycle between buffers diffget maps -- 3-way merge buffers 2 -- diffget from bufnr 2 3 -- diffget from bufnr 3 4 -- diffget from bufnr 4 :Striptrailingwhitespace -- strip spaces at the end of lines -- insert ReST date heading Trac ## ## source vimrc.local.99-after.vimrc ## References - https://dev.launchpad.net/UltimateVimPythonSetup - https://github.com/kennethreitz/dotfiles/blob/master/.vimrc - https://bitbucket.org/sjl/dotfiles/src/tip/vim/.vimrc#cl-716 - http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Highlight_unwanted_spaces - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1551231 - http://superuser.com/questions/117969/is-there-a-way-to-move-a-split-page-to-a-new-tab-in-vim - http://sontek.net/turning-vim-into-a-modern-python-ide - http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/VimTip320 . .. index:: etc/vim/vimrc.full.bundles.vimrc .. _etc/vim/vimrc.full.bundles.vimrc: etc/vim/vimrc.full.bundles.vimrc ================================= | Src: `etc/vim/vimrc.full.bundles.vimrc `__ .. code:: vim . Bundle -- Vim bundle manager [help bundle] :BundleList - list configured plugins :BundleInstall(!) - install (update) plugins :BundleSearch(!) foo - search (or refresh cache first) for foo :BundleClean(!) - confirm (or auto-approve) removal of unused plugins The Bundle URLs are intentionally complete https URLs * grep '^Bundle \'' vimrc.bundles * sed -i 's\https://github.com/\ssh://git@github.com/\g' venv.vim -- venv CdAlias commands :Cdhome -- Cd_HOME() :Cdh -- Cd_HOME() :Cdwrk -- Cd___WRK() :Cddotfiles -- Cd___DOTFILES() :Cdd -- Cd___DOTFILES() :Cdprojecthome -- Cd_PROJECT_HOME() :Cdp -- Cd_PROJECT_HOME() :Cdph -- Cd_PROJECT_HOME() :Cdworkonhome -- Cd_WORKON_HOME() :Cdwh -- Cd_WORKON_HOME() :Cdve -- Cd_WORKON_HOME() :Cdcondahome -- Cd_CONDA_HOME() :Cda -- Cd_CONDA_HOME() :Cdce -- Cd_CONDA_HOME() :Cdvirtualenv -- Cd_VIRTUAL_ENV() :Cdv -- Cd_VIRTUAL_ENV() :Cdsrc -- Cd__SRC() :Cds -- Cd__SRC() :Cdwrd -- Cd__WRD() :Cdw -- Cd__WRD() :Cdbin -- Cd__BIN() :Cdb -- Cd__BIN() :Cdetc -- Cd__ETC() :Cde -- Cd__ETC() :Cdlib -- Cd__LIB() :Cdl -- Cd__LIB() :Cdlog -- Cd__LOG() :Cdpylib -- Cd__PYLIB() :Cdpysite -- Cd__PYSITE() :Cdsitepackages -- Cd__PYSITE() :Cdvar -- Cd__VAR() :Cdwww -- Cd__WWW() :Cdww -- Cd__WWW() file_line.vim -- open files named 'file(line[:col])', 'file:line[:col]' vimpager -- vimpager and vimcat [help vimpager] Info.vim -- vim infopages in vim [help info] :Info sed -- view infopage for 'sed' -- Scroll forward (page down). -- Scroll backward (page up). -- Move cursor to next hyperlink within this node. , -- Follow hyperlink under cursor. ;, -- Return to last seen node. .,> -- Move to the "next" node of this node. p,< -- Move to the "previous" node of this node. u -- Move "up" from this node. d -- Move to "directory" node. t -- Move to the Top node. -- Search forward within current node only. s -- Search forward through all nodes for a specified string. q -- Quit browser. Netrw -- new netrw [pi_netrw] Signify -- show git/hg file changes in gutter [help signify] gt -- SignifyToggle gh -- SignifyToggleHighlight gr -- SignifyRefresh gd -- SignifyDebug hunk jumping gj -- signify-next-hunk gk -- signify-prev-hunk hunk text object ic -- signify inner textobj ac -- signify outer textobj Fugitive -- Git commands and statusline display [help fugitive] Lawrencium -- Hg commands [help lawrencium] NERDTree -- File browser [help NERDTree] e -- toggle NERDTree ctrl-e -- toggle NERDTree E -- open nerdtree to current file (:NERDTreeFind %:p:h) ctrl-E -- open nerdtree to current file (:NERDTreeFind %:p:h) I -- toggle view hidden files B -- toggle view bookmarks cd -- set vim CWD to selected dir C -- refocus view to selected dir o -- open r -- refresh dir R -- refresh root t -- open in new tab T -- open in new tab silently u -- up a dir U -- up a dir and leave open x -- close node X -- close all nodes recursive ? -- toggle help FindInNERDTree -- NERDTree show current file [help NERDTreeFind] (NERDTree now includes :NERDTreeFind) Bundle 'https://github.com/dmcinnes/FindInNERDTree' nerdtree-symlink -- create symlinks w/ NERDTree nerdtree-git-plugin -- show git status in NERDTree let g:NERDTreeIndicatorMapCustom = { \ "Modified" : "✹", \ "Staged" : "✚", \ "Untracked" : "✭", \ "Renamed" : "➜", \ "Unmerged" : "═", \ "Deleted" : "✖", \ "Dirty" : "✗", \ "Clean" : "✔︎", \ "Unknown" : "?" \ } -- toggle BufExplorer ? -- toggle BufExplorer help b -- toggle BufExplorer CtrlP -- file/buffer/mru finder [help ctrlp] -- CtrlP (fuzzy matching) / -- CtrlP (cycle through file, buf, mru) -- CtrlP (cycle through file, buf, mru) Unite.vim -- show results from files, buffes, mru, registers neomru -- show MRU (most-recently-used) files in Unite [neomru] unite-grep-vcs -- git grep && hg grep Syntastic -- syntax highlighting [help syntastic] ### | Src: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccwang002/dotvim/master/vimrc + https://github.com/ccwang002/dotvim/issues/1 Setting for rst Linter ### OR ### " | Src: https://github.com/myint/rstcheck " | PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rstcheck " $ pip install --user -U rstcheck let g:syntastic_rst_checkers = ['rstcheck'] ### NERDCommenter -- commenting [help NERDCommenter] ,cm -- minimal comment ,cs -- sexy comment ,c -- toggle comment UltiSnips -- syntax-specific snippets [help ultisnips] snippetname -- insert snippet -- next placeholder -- prev placeholder ~/.vim/snippets-ulti/python.snippets: climain -- new cli script setuppy -- new setup.py script ~/.vim/snippets-ulti/html.snippets: schemaorgclass -- new schema.org RDFa class schemaorgprop -- new schema.org RDFa property NeoComplCache -- code completion [help neocomplcache] unstack.vim -- parse and open stacktrace paths [help unstack] s -- parse part/all of a stacktrace accordion.vim -- work w/ a number of vsplits at once [help accordion] ViM Airline -- helpful statusbar information w/ vimscript [help airline] base16, wombat, luna base16, wombat, luna :AirlineTheme [dark,luna,base16_grayscale,serene] let g:airline_theme='dark' " vim-airline let g:airline_theme='luna' " vim-airline-themes let g:airline_theme='serene' " vim-airline-themes EasyMotion -- easy visual motions [help easymotion] m-w/e -- search forward (beg/end of word) m-b -- search backward m-j -- search line down m-k -- search line up Jellybeans -- a good colorscheme w/ sensible diff highlighting :colorscheme jellybeans -- switch to the jellybeans colorscheme Vim-misc -- functions for colorscheme-switcher and vim-session Vim Colorscheme Switcher [help colorscheme-switcher] -- cycle colors forward -- cycle colors reverse HiColors call HiTest() -- print highlighting colors Pasting -- make paste work normally [help paste] Vim Room -- focus just the relevant text [help vimroom] VOoM Outline Viewer -- view outlines of code and text [help voom] VOoM modes: html, markdown, python, rest, thevimoutliner, txt2tags, viki, vimwiki, wiki :Voom [] -- open Voom outline tab :Voom rest -- open ReStructuredText outline ggg?G V -- toggle Voom outline sidebar TagBar -- source tag browser [help tagbar] t -- toggle TagBar outline sidebar" Vim Session -- save and restore sessions between exits [help session] :SaveSession -- save a session :OpenSession -- open a saved session :Restart -- SaveSession restart && exit :OpenSession restart -- open the 'restart' saved session Vim Unimpaired -- moving between buffers [help unimpaired] [a :previous ]a :next [A :first ]A :last [b :bprevious ]b :bnext [B :bfirst ]B :blast [l :lprevious ]l :lnext [L :lfirst ]L :llast [ :lpfile ] :lnfile [q :cprevious ]q :cnext [Q :cfirst ]Q :clast [ :cpfile (Note that only works in a terminal if you disable ] :cnfile flow control: stty -ixon) [t :tprevious ]t :tnext [T :tfirst ]T :tlast Ack.vim -- ack through files (instead of grep) [help ack] :Ack [options] PATTERN [directory] -- search for pattern :AckAdd [options] PATTERN [directory] -- add a search pattern :AckWindow [options] PATTERN -- search all visible buffers" vim-surround -- add quotes/parenthesis/tags [help surround] cs -- change surrounding ys -- yank and surround (motion, text object) yss -- yank and surround current line ds" -- remove double-quotes cs'" -- replace single-quotes with double quotes cd" -- surround with ... dst -- remove surrounding tag csapprox -- adapt gvim colorschemes for terminal vim [help csapprox] UndoTree -- visualize vim undotree -- :UndoTreeToggle (? for help) vim-nginx -- nginx ftdetect, indent, and syntax n3.vim -- N3/Turtle RDF Syntax SPARQL -- SPARQL syntax Python-mode -- Python [help pymode] :help pymode [[ -- Jump to previous class or function ]] -- Jump to next class or function [M -- Jump to previous class or method ]M -- Jump to next class or method aC -- Select a class. Ex: vaC, daC, yaC, caC iC -- Select inner class. Ex: viC, diC, yiC, ciC aM -- Select a function or method. Ex: vaM, daM, yaM, caM iM -- Select inner function or method. Ex: viM, diM, yiM, ciM g:pymode_python = { 'python', 'python3', 'disable' } set g:pymode_python 'disable' (start time, occasional completion stall) d -- open pydoc :PymodeLintToggle -- toggle lint checking :PymodeLintAuto -- autofix current buffer pep8 errors - auto-show an error window - show lint signs - run lint on write let g:pymode_lint_ignore = "" let g:pymode_lint_select = "" Pymode lint line annotation symbols XX = TODO CC = COMMENT RR = VISUAL EE = ERROR II = INFO FF = PYFLAKES :PyModeLint -- lint current buffer (once) :PyModeLintToggle -- toggle lint :PyModeLintAuto -- auto-lint the current buffer (once) (commit before and after) let g:pymode_lint_select = "E501,W0011,W430" " whitelist -- set debugger breakpoints auto lookup breakpoint cmd (pdb, ipdb, pudb)" Searches upward for a .ropeproject file (that should be .vcs-ignored) :PymodeRopeNewProject -- Create a new .ropeproject in CWD :PymodeRopeRegenerate -- Regenerate rope project cache d -- show docs for current function w/ pymode rope for autocompletion -- rope autocomplete j -- :RopeGotoDefinition ro -- organize Python imports; drop unused (:PymodeRopeAutoImport) :PymodeRopeUndo -- Undo last project changes :PymodeRopeRedo -- Redo last project changes rr -- rope rename vim-virtualenv -- Python virtualenv [help virtualenv] :help :VirtualEnvDeactivate :VirtualEnvList :VirtualEnvActivate :VirtualEnvActivate Sort python imports :PyFixImports -- sort import statements Pytest.vim -- py.test red/green results [help pytest] :Pytest clear -- reset pytest globals :Pytest file -- pytest file :Pytest class -- pytest class :Pytest method -- pytest method :Pytest {...} --pdb -- pytest file/class/method with pdb tf -- pytest file tc -- pytest class tm -- pytest method " cycle through test errors tn -- pytest next error tp -- pytest prev error te -- pytest error Pyrex -- Pyrex syntax Jinja -- Jinja Templates syntax vim-coffee-script -- CoffeeScript syntax, indent vim-haml -- HAML, SASS, SCSS vim-css3-syntax -- CSS3 vim-css-color -- show CSS color codes vim-less -- LESS CSS vim-jade -- Jade templates os.vim -- Operating System [help os] clickable.vim -- click-able links let g:clickable_browser = "xdg-open" let g:clickable_browser = "x-www-browser" Riv.vim -- ReStructuredText [help riv] [help riv] https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/tree/master/doc :RivIntro https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/blob/master/doc/riv_intro.rst :RivQuickStart https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/blob/master/doc/riv_quickstart.rst :RivInstruction https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/blob/master/doc/riv_instruction.rst :RivCheatSheet -- riv_cheatsheet.rst https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/blob/master/doc/riv_cheatsheet.rst :RivPrimer -- riv_primer.rst https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/blob/master/doc/riv_primer.rst http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickstart.html # Docutils "Quick reStructuredText" [quickref.rst / quickref.html] http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html :RivSpecification -- Docutils "reStructuredText Markup Specification" http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/blob/master/doc/riv_specification.rst :RivDirectives -- Docutils "Directives" https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/blob/master/doc/riv_directives.rst http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html # Docutils "Roles" http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/roles.html # Docutils "Substutution definitions" http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/definitions.html # Docutils "Doctree" http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/doctree.html # Riv.vim Changelogs https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/blob/master/doc/riv_log.rst # Riv.vim Todo https://github.com/Rykka/riv.vim/blob/master/doc/riv_todo.rst - [ ] Ready - [o] Open - [X] Closed Tabular -- text filtering and alignment [tabular] vim-markdown -- markdown syntax (-> tabular, netrw) [vim-markdown] Ansible -- Ansible syntax Salt -- Salt syntax Trac -- Trac [help trac] webapi-vim -- vim web API [help webapi[-{html, http, json, xml}]] gist-vim -- Create a gist.github.com [help gist-vim] github-issues.vim -- autocomplete, CRUD GitHub issues [help Gissues] Bundle 'https://github.com/jaxbot/github-issues.vim' html5.vim -- HTML5, RDFa, microdata, WAI-ARIA vim-javascript -- improved Javascript support vim-indent-guides -- show indentation levels [help indent_guides] rainbow-parentheses -- make nested parenthesis different colors :RainbowParenthesesActivate :RainbowParenthesesToggle :RainbowParenthesesLoadRound :RainbowParenthesesLoadSquare :RainbowParenthesesLoadBraces :RainbowParenthesesLoadChevrons :RainbowParenthesesToggleAll :RainbowParenthesesActivate vimwiki -- vim wiki library (for taskwiki) [help vimwiki] taskwiki -- TaskWarrior task management [help taskwiki] vim-taskwarrior -- TaskWarrior interface (for taskwiki) [help vim-tw] vim-plugin-AnsiEsc -- ANSI colors for taskwiki charts [ l9 -- utility library (for FuzzyFinder) FuzzyFinder -- find files, buffers, tags, changes [help fuf] :FufBuffer :FufFile :FufDir :FufMruFile :FufMruCmd :FufTag :FufJumpList :FufChangeList :FufQuickfix :FufHelp abolish.vim -- abbreviations, case-aware replcmnts [help abolish] fountain.vim -- fountain.io syntax All of your Bundles must be added before the following line . .. index:: etc/vim/vimrc.tinyvim.bundles.vimrc .. _etc/vim/vimrc.tinyvim.bundles.vimrc: etc/vim/vimrc.tinyvim.bundles.vimrc ==================================== | Src: `etc/vim/vimrc.tinyvim.bundles.vimrc `__ .. code:: vim . Bundle -- Vim bundle manager [help bundle] :BundleList - list configured plugins :BundleInstall(!) - install (update) plugins :BundleSearch(!) foo - search (or refresh cache first) for foo :BundleClean(!) - confirm (or auto-approve) removal of unused plugins The Bundle URLs are intentionally complete https URLs * grep '^Bundle \'' vimrc.bundles * sed -i 's\https://github.com/\ssh://git@github.com/\g' Info.vim -- vim infopages in vim [help info] :Info sed -- view infopage for 'sed' -- Scroll forward (page down). -- Scroll backward (page up). -- Move cursor to next hyperlink within this node. , -- Follow hyperlink under cursor. ;, -- Return to last seen node. .,> -- Move to the "next" node of this node. p,< -- Move to the "previous" node of this node. u -- Move "up" from this node. d -- Move to "directory" node. t -- Move to the Top node. -- Search forward within current node only. s -- Search forward through all nodes for a specified string. q -- Quit browser. Signify -- show git/hg file changes in gutter [help signify] NERDTree -- File browser [help NERDTree] e -- toggle NERDTree ctrl-e -- toggle NERDTree E -- open nerdtree to current file (:NERDTreeFind %:p:h) ctrl-E -- open nerdtree to current file (:NERDTreeFind %:p:h) I -- toggle view hidden files B -- toggle view bookmarks cd -- set vim CWD to selected dir C -- refocus view to selected dir o -- open r -- refresh dir R -- refresh root t -- open in new tab T -- open in new tab silently u -- up a dir U -- up a dir and leave open x -- close node X -- close all nodes recursive ? -- toggle help FindInNERDTree -- NERDTRee show current file [help NERDTreeFind] -- toggle BufExplorer ? -- toggle BufExplorer help b -- toggle BufExplorer CtrlP -- file/buffer/mru finder [help ctrlp] -- CtrlP (fuzzy matching) Syntastic -- syntax highlighting [help syntastic] EasyMotion -- easy visual motions [help easymotion] m-w/e -- search forward (beg/end of word) m-b -- search backward m-j -- search line down m-k -- search line up Jellybeans -- a good colorscheme w/ sensible diff highlighting :colorscheme jellybeans -- switch to the jellybeans colorscheme Vim-misc -- functions for colorscheme-switcher and vim-session Vim Colorscheme Switcher [help colorscheme-switcher] -- cycle colors forward -- cycle colors reverse vim-nginx -- nginx ftdetect, indent, and syntax n3.vim -- N3/Turtle RDF Syntax SPARQL -- SPARQL syntax Pyrex -- Pyrex syntax Jinja -- Jinja Templates syntax Salt -- Salt syntax All of your Bundles must be added before the following line call PatchColors() " TODO: from ./vimrc.full.bundles.vimrc' .