.. index:: usrlog .. _usrlog: ********* usrlog ********* usrlog: Shell CLI REPL command logs in userspace (per :ref:`virtualenv`) * `-usrlog.log format`_ -- ``-usrlog.log`` log files * `usrlog.sh`_ -- :ref:`Bash`, :ref:`ZSH` shell script (append, grep) * `usrlog.py`_ -- :ref:`Python` commandline parsing script (parse, ~grep) .. index:: usrlog.sh .. _usrlog.sh: usrlog.sh ============ | Source: https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/scripts/usrlog.sh usrlog logs the most recent userspace interactive shell commandline CLI command to ``$_USRLOG`` **after** the shell command completes, with :ref:`Bash` ``PROMPT_COMMAND`` and :ref:`ZSH` ``precmd_functions`` (see: `Caveats`_). .. code:: bash # setup bash if [ -n "$BASH" ]; then PROMPT_COMMAND="_usrlog_writecmd; _usrlog_echo_title;" fi # setup zsh if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then precmd_functions=(_usrlog_writecmd _usrlog_echo_title) fi Installation -------------- `usrlog.sh`_: .. code:: bash # source "${__DOTFILES}/etc/bash/30-bashrc.usrlog.sh # { source "${__DOTFILES}/scripts/usrlog.sh" # } echo "${_USRLOG}"$'\t'"${_TERM_ID}" # dotfiles_status, ds, cls Features ---------- * Initial Use Case: merge ``.bash_history`` and ``.zsh_history`` files * append each :ref:`Bash` or :ref:`ZSH` userspace commandstr to one file:: _USRLOG="${HOME}/-usrlog.log" * append each :ref:`Bash` or :ref:`ZSH` userspace commandstr to one file per ``$VIRTUAL_ENV``:: _USRLOG="${VIRTUAL_ENV}/-usrlog.log" * add a session id to differentiate between multiple term instances:: echo "${_TERM_ID}" termid * generate relatively unique session ids by default when ``$_TERM_ID`` is unset:: set_term_id [] # stid "#project/uri-fragment" stid st * include the ``$_TERM_ID`` in the shell prompt. * include ``VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME``, ``TERM_ID``, ``USER``, ``HOSTNAME``, and ``CWD`` in the window title (and ``PS1``):: ### usrlog window title # (VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME) $_TERM_ID $USER@$HOSTNAME:/$CWD (dotfiles) #2T515Vf25Ko user@host:~/-wrk/-ve27/dotfiles/src/dotfiles * include the previous command in the shell prompt ``PS1``:: ### PS1 shell prompt # echo 'previous command'$'\t'"${PS1}" (dotfiles) #2T515Vf25Ko user@host:~/-wrk/-ve27/dotfiles/src/dotfiles $ * [ ] BUG: escape tabs ``\t`` and newlines ``\r\n`` when setting ``_TERM_ID`` in order to support really any string (such as URI fragments):: stid '#westurner/dotfiles/\tinstall-screencast' .. index:: usrlog venv Integration .. _usrlog venv integration: usrlog venv integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :ref:`venv` (:ref:`virtualenvwrapper` :ref:`virtualenvs `):: echo "${_USRLOG}" # _USRLOG=$HOME/-usrlog.log echo "${HISTFILE}" # HISTFILE=$HOME/.bash_history workon_venv dotfiles # _USRLOG=$VIRTUAL_ENV/-usrlog.log # HISTFILE=$VIRTUAL_ENV/.bash_history we dotfiles # " workon_conda dotfiles # " wec # " # deactivating resets to __USRLOG echo "${__USRLOG} *" # $HOME/-usrlog.log * echo $_USRLOG # $VIRTUAL_ENV/-usrlog.log deactivate; echo $_USRLOG # $HOME/-usrlog.log * If defined, ``_usrlog_set_title`` calls ``_setup_venv_prompt`` (on every ``PROMPT_COMMAND`` invocation) :: ### scripts/usrlog.sh function _usrlog_set_title { # _usrlog_set_title() -- set xterm title export WINDOW_TITLE=${1:-"$_TERM_ID"} _usrlog_echo_title declare -f '_setup_venv_prompt' 2>&1 > /dev/null \ && _setup_venv_prompt } A ``_setup_venv_prompt`` is defined in https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/etc/bash/10-bashrc.venv.sh:: ### etc/bash/10-bashrc.venv.sh function _setup_venv_prompt { ... } _setup_venv_prompt * ``_usrlog_grep_venv`` -- find commands pertaining to :ref:`venv` .. index:: usrlog.log format .. index:: -usrlog.log format .. _usrlog.log format: -usrlog.log format ------------------- * Almost but not quite TSV (tab-separated values) * Maximum split (commands may contain additional unescaped tabs) * Initial "# " in the date column * Because newlines * -usrlog.log format parsers: * `usrlog.sh`_: ``ugp (_usrlog_parse_cmds)`` (:ref:`pyline`) * `usrlog.py`_ Syntax :: #\s\t # assert col[0] == '# ' \t <_TERM_ID>\t # usrlog_set_id (stid) \t # path *after* command has run (see: prev) \t # sometimes null (\s\s) \t \t # $HOSTNAME when _usrlog_set_HIST runs \t # $USER when _usrlog_set_HIST runs $$\t # cmd = split('\t$$\t', 1)[1] # pyline # (history 1 || fc -l -1) | sedescape -usrlog.log natural key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: natural_key = (iso8601datewithtz_finish, $_TERM_ID, $HOSTNAME, $USER) See: `Caveats`_ .. index:: usrlog.py .. _usrlog.py: usrlog.py ============ | Source: https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/scripts/usrlog.py usrlog.py is a commandline script for parsing ``-usrlog.log`` files. Installation --------------- .. code:: bash python "${__DOTFILES}/scripts/usrlog.py" # echo "$PATH" # dotfiles_status, ds, cls cat $_USRLOG | usrlog.py --cmds - Usage ------- .. code:: bash python usrlog.py --help Usage: usrlog.py : [-u] [-p |-P] [--cmds|--id|--dates|--elapsed|--ve] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PATHS, --path=PATHS Path to a -usrlog.log file to read (e.g. "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/-usrlog.log" or '-' for stdin) -P, --paths-from-stdin Read -usrlog.log paths from stdin -u, -U, --_USRLOG, --USRLOG Read -usrlog.log path from ${_USRLOG} -f, --force silently skip ParseException (or log w/ -v) --cmd, --cmds show --id, --ids, --session, --sessions show [id, cmd] --date, --dates show [date, id, cmd] --elapsed show [date, id, cmd, elapsed] --ve, --venv, --venvs, --virtualenv, --virtualenvs include [date,id,virtualenv,cmd] --cwd, --pwd, --cwd-after-cmd, --pwd-after-cmd include [date,id,virtualenv,path,cmd] -c COLUMNS, --column=COLUMNS { date, elapsed, id, virtualenv, path, cmd } --pyline run --pyline '" commands" + (l[:9] if l else ".")' --iterable-only return an iterable (instead of an exitcode) --todo, --todos grep for #TODO entries and parse out the #TODO prefix -v, --verbose -q, --quiet -t, --test .. code:: bash python usrlog.py --cmds $_USRLOG cat $_USRLOG | tail -n 20 | usrlog.py --cmds - Todo: - [ ] ENH: ``pandas.DataFrame.from_records`` (``index=cols[1]``) - [ ] REF: update westurner/workhours integration Caveats ========= * A ``-usrlog.log`` is a text file log which commands are appended to, in userspace, with user permissions * Linux: see also: ``avc.log``, ``audit.log`` * [ ] BUG: ``path`` is recorded after the command evaluates (see the previous command) * pass forward the ending path from the previous command (``PATH_PREV``) in ``PROMPT_COMMAND`` * initial ``PATH_PREV`` (at shell startup): * see the previous command (in the ``-usrlog.log`` file) * [ ] **BUG: usrlog.sh only records the last line of commands containing newlines** * ``history 1`` | parse | template | tee ``$_USRLOG`` * Sometimes, ``hist_n`` is not set (e.g. when n > ``HISTSIZE``), but the tabs should still be there. * Sometimes, ``iso8601datewithtz_start`` is not set (e.g. when ``HISTTIMEFORMAT`` is not set), but the tabs should still be there. * I still have logs with the old ``.usrlog`` formats to parse (~^2015), which is why `usrlog.py`_ is far more complex than `usrlog.sh`_ ``_usrlog_parse_cmds`` (``cat $_USRLOG | ugp``): * [ ] REF: write migration scripts for oldstyle logs * workaround: ``grep -C $_USRLOG`` * workaround: ``grep -C $(lsusrlogs) | ugp`` * workaround: ``grep -C $(lsusrlogs) | usrlog.py --cmds`` Ideas ======= * ENH: prompt square:: # prev_cmd # date_start # date_finish [timedelta] # (VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME) $_TERM_ID $USER@$HOSTNAME:/$CWD $ * PERF: time delta overhead * UBY: minimize n rows